Chapter 20

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"Another day, another day stuck in this house!"

She was not complaining. She loved the house dearly. It was like Zee did not live there for the amount of time she spent there. Tristan would either stay downstairs in the basement or leave for the day and sometimes not even come home at night.

What was the point of having a roommate at this point? Tristan had fixed up a lot of things in the house, and he worked the yard, something neither Zee nor her would ever do. She maintained the garden as best she could and was even sprouting some things.

Other than that she spent her days reading her grandmother's journal, in the den playing on social media, or lying on the couch eating her meals while she watched mindless TV.

She had another month or so of summer break so at least there was that. Her classes were only three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Three classes were on campus and one was a hundred percent online early Tuesday and Thursday morning.

Maybe this school year she could make friends to hang with and have a social life.

Since Tristan was not home, she decided to snoop into his bedroom today and check it out. She had peeked in before, but never outright overstepped his privacy. The way she looked at it, she was the landlord, she owned the property and she was just making sure he was taking care of everything.

She stepped into his room through the bathroom. It looked like a room on display in a magazine, so contrast to Zee's room which looked like a tornado blew threw it. While her room was somewhere in between...literally in between the two.

His bed was crisply made like no one ever slept in it. There was nothing on the floor, not even a loose sock or a shoe. The bedroom set was the one that was already there but her bought his own mattress set. The dresser only had a few personal items, a watch, two bottles of cologne, and a bible.

He was religious?

She picked it up and thumbed through it. She never went to church that much, he mother was not into it. Her GiGi would make her go when she was younger but made it optional in her teen years and she would rather sleep in.

In the chest, there was nothing, It was bare. She opened the top drawer and quickly closed it. It was full of his neatly rolled and stacked boxers. No need to snoop into that.

She opened his closet and there were a lot of clothes hanging up, things she had not seen him wear. Well, outside of his favorite Cardinals jerseys. On the floor were several pairs of Nike boxes. He had a lot of shoes, but not nearly as many as Zee. On the top shelf were some boxes, but she was not going to pry, besides, she could not reach it without standing on something.

She made her way over to his bed and sat down on the edge of it. Then she laid back on it and exhaled.

Maybe he was with some other girl right now. One he could do all the things with.

She sat up and then opened the drawer on his nightstand. She started to close it right back up but stopped herself. Instead, she pulled out the box of opened Trojan condoms. Curiosity made her count how many were in there. Eughteen in a twenty-pack, so that's not bad.

Or maybe since moving in he was on his second or third box.

She put the box back in the drawer and closed it then stood up. She made sure she rubbed the creases out of the bed so he would not know she was there.

That's when she heard someone at the door. She left her phone in her room so she could not check the camera. She hastily exited his room, closed the bathroom door, went into her room, grabbed her phone, and looked down at it.

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