Chapter 17

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Now that she was more comfortable around Tristan, she was never nervous, shy, or too scared to say whatever when around him. That is how she was with most people once she got to know them. It took her a few weeks to get comfortable with Tristan.

It was because he was so freaking hot!

One day she was downstairs reading from her grandmother's journal when Tristan walked down the hall after taking a shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Dripping wet, he had unbraided his hair, and it was dripping wet and curly. He had to know she was watching him. From where she sat in the living room, she could see the hallway.

Another day he was out cutting the grass again, and she rushed to the window to watch him. He was not shirtless today, in a loose-fitting tank top, but still, his strong arms were on display. It was something about how they rippled when he moved that lawnmower that steamed her up.

At night, she would toss and turn in her bed, wondering what he was doing in his bed a few feet away from her. She fought the urge to barge into his room and watch him sleep.

She was not crazy.

It did not help that things were steaming up in her grandmother's journal. She discussed every single date they went on, the times he kissed her, and the times things went further. She was on journal number four now.

Dear Diary

One year of dating and all Gregory does is hold my hand or kiss. Grant it, those kisses are filled with deep passion and...and...well, lust! There, I said it. I lust for him. The way he makes my body hot all over even a cold bath won't turn off the furnace.

Good girls don't go all the way with boys. It has been pounded in my head for years. Anna from down the street went all the way with a boy and now she has a baby.

But is that so wrong? If I love Gregory and he loves me, what's wrong with starting a family?

No, no, no. I can't give in to my urges. Gregory has never pressured me. In fact, I don't know if he is even interested in those things. I heard boys like to do those things with any and everybody. I wonder if Gregory has done it. Maybe so. At least he will be experienced.

I will try to be patient, as I am sixteen now and have a ways to go in school. Once I finish school Gregory and I can get married and do it.

Hopefully I can make it that long.

Wow! Her grandmother was having the same lustful thoughts as she was having about Tristan. At an even younger age. She could not recall ever having these thoughts about any other boy. Sure, she had crushes, but none she wanted to do things with.

She fanned herself with the journal. She hoped her GiGi was not too upset with her reading about her lustful thoughts.

She grabbed her laundry basket to wash a load before she finished more reading. She was a minimalist when it came to her clothes. Jeans, t-shirts, two dresses, and one nice suit in case she needed to dress up for anything. The same suit she wore to her grandmother's funeral.

She needed to go shopping for clothes before the school year started.

Downstairs in the little laundry room, she sat her basket on top of the dryer. Soon as she opened the washer, she saw clothes already in there. She pulled something out and recognized the shorts belonging to Tristan.

"Eew!" She let go of it as if it had cooties. Then she thought better of it, knowing they were at least clean, and pulled his things out to load in the dryer. She started the dryer for his things and began to put her clothes in the washing machine.

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