Chapter 13

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"You really want to do this bougie-ass, Whole Foods where stuck up rich bitches shop that are scared of a little GMO and high fructose corn syrup?"

After Tristan's friend left, which lasted two hours, he was finally about to take her grocery shopping.

She grabbed her purse, keys, and phone, following his tall frame out the door.

"If you know what's good for you, you would try it as well."

She locked up the house while Tristan stood near and waited for her.

"I think it's wasteful spending. Food is food."

"But now do you see why I call you out when you eat my food?"

"Okay lil bit, why do you have to bring up old shit. Food is food, and Imma eat."

She laughed at him as he held the door to his truck open for her. Her phone binged as Tristan walked around to his side. She looked down at her phone, it was her sister calling.


"Where are you and Trist going?"

She rolled her eyes at her sister, using the security camera as a spy. She put the phone on speaker as Trustan got in the truck.

"He's taking me to get food since you did not bother to ask if I needed anything before you left."

"Oh, my bad."

That's all she had to say for herself?

"What's up Zee," Tristan added before he drove off.  "Aye, yo sis and I want to plan a lil gathering at the crib. Barbecue, invite some friends, some fam, our parents."

"Ha! You think I want to have Dad over there?"

"Just Mom," she said. There was no way she was inviting both of them over, to be around each other. "Maybe Aunt Rita and Uncle Billy.  We haven't had like a housewarming thing at all and it's been a month."

"Who's on the grill?"

"Me of course, fool. Let me know if you want anything special, while we're out now I'll just pick up the meat...and not from Whole Paycheck."

"Oh, she dragging you there!" Zee laughed. "Good luck with that. A'ight, I'm out."

"Why is she being an annoying big sister?"

"At least you have a sister. And a good relationship with her. Don't take that for granted."

"I don't."

Tristan drove for a bit before he said anything more. "So tell me this. Why do you not have a car in this day and age? Can't get anywhere without wheels. Don't you get tired of needing someone else to drive you around?"

"So you're saying you don't want to drive me around?"

"That's not what I said."

She shrugged. "My grandmother never drove. There was always someone to drive her around or she caught the bus. One of my uncles died in a car accident, and maybe she was afraid after that."

She wondered if she ever wanted to learn to drive. Maybe the answer was in her journals.

"Na! You don't know how to drive? Zee ain't teach you?"

"I never asked her to."

"A'ight, Imma teach you."


"Because you should know how to drive at this big age. Even if you don't buy a car right away, learn how to drive." He glanced over at her while they were at a light. "In the meanwhile, anytime you need to go somewhere, I got you."

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