Chapter 29

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It did not seem like only a few days of being Tristan's girlfriend. She felt like they had been together forever.

Maybe it was the fact that they got to know each other, as roommates, then friends, now boyfriend/girlfriend. Or the fact that they actually lived together. How many people could say they lived with their first boyfriend?

They spent so much time together that she wondered what it would be like when they were both back in school. A lot harder.

For now, she had all her day to spend with the guy who was quickly stealing her heart.

But first, they had to discuss all things sex.

"Have you ever...done anything?" Tristan asked this while they sat in the living room, TV on, but not watching it.

"No." she simply stated, then thought on it. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Tristan gave her a look and licked his lips. "Oral Jo, have you done oral sex?"

"Oh! No!" She was flustered a bit, thinking of doing those things.

"Have you...hand jobs? Giving or receiving?"

"Huh?" Now she felt dumb because she did not fully understand. It was not like she ever talked about this with her mother, or friends, and not her sister.

"So when you said nothing with a guy, you meant absolutely nothing?"

"Well...yes. I've never had a boyfriend, so I have never even gone on a date with a guy before, until you. Not even held their hand or even a hug."

"I mean, you don't have to have a boyfriend to do all that."

She smirked at him. "Now I have a boyfriend and I want to do all of that!"

"You just want to rush into things, and I am trying to make sure you're ready. Are you saving yourself for marriage? Someone better who doesn't have fucked up feelings about this whole dating thing."

To her, there was no one better than Tristan. She was sure that if she ever felt this way about another guy things would happen so that they would be together. No guy she ever liked had the same interest in her. Tristan had feelings for her, despite him thinking it was just sex. Why was he hung up on that aspect of their relationship and she was not?

Well, maybe they both were but on opposite ends of it.

"Wait for marriage? No!" She thought of her grandmother knowing she found the one and did not wait for marriage. That was such an old-fashioned way of thinking. Nothing had to go into a certain order. "And who can be better than a hot, sexy guy like you, Tristan?"

She moved close to him and kissed him on the neck and then whispered, "I touch myself thinking of you, is that enough."

She never knew Tristan could blush so hard about that. His coloring changed a bit and he smiled so hard.

"Okay, okay, just because we find each other attractive, and sexy...what does that mean?"

She had to ask him the tough questions since he asked so much about her personal life. "How many girls have you been with?"

"Huh?" Then he scratched his head as if he had not heard her question.

"How many girls, Tristan? Tell me, I don't care."

"A lot," was all he said.

"A number?"

"We don't need to know body counts."

"I told you mine."

"Because you have no body count." He stood from the sofa. "Look, I already told you what type of guy I am. I don't do this whole relationship girlfriend/boyfriend thing, but I'm trying Jo. I've never fucked around with someone like you."

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