Chapter 19

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Dear Diary,

Gregory is home and I told him I could not wait any longer for him. I wanted him right then, right now.

We made love for the first time.

Johanna quickly shut the journal before she finished the passage. No way could she read about her grandmother and her grandfather and sex. This was an invasion of privacy. It felt so wrong. Yet, she was itching to get the details.

She opened the book back up to that page.

Gregory wanted to wait till we were married, I told him, we were getting married so why wait? He would be the only man I ever loved and would give myself to.

He said he wanted to make it romantic and not just do it in his car or somewhere hidden. He did not want me to get a bad reputation, not that I cared.

So his older brother let him use his place and we met there. I was not scared at all. I yearned for him so much and had waited too long.

There is something about nakedness. I was not shy about having all my clothes off in front of him. And Gregory, well glory! I don't know if it's the army that has him so fit, or if he was always this sculpted like a statue, but I could not take my eyes off his chest. The muscles, the...

She stopped reading because she felt like her body was on fire. Maybe she would read more later, but right now she needed a cool drink. It was Saturday morning and Zee was sleeping in. She showered and dressed in her grandmother's pink dress.

All dressed up and nowhere to go again. At least she felt cute.

She headed downstairs to make something to eat. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw Tristan standing at the counter, drinking from his blender cup, some kind of gross concoction for sure. Dressed in jeans and a crispy white shirt and white on white Nikes. A simple gold chain around his neck. The man looked good enough to eat.

She stopped, wanting to run away, but managed to move her feet toward the fridge to open it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tristan watching her. She grabbed the oat milk and walked to place it on the table.

"Is that a new dress?"

Oh, he was talking to her now?

"No, it's my GiGi's. I finally went through some more of her things." She reached for the cereal from the cabinet which was right where he stood. He did not try to move and give her room, her hip brushing against his leg setting her body on fire.

"Looks good on you."

"Thank you."

She did not know what else to say to him. As she poured her cereal, she could feel his eyes burning holes through her back. At least he had not run out of the room when she entered. At least he was talking to her after two days of the cold shoulder. That was progress.

"I like your hair down as well."

Why was he flattering her with so many compliments when he only thought of her as a sister?


He walked over to her at the table where she stood.

"Jo, I don't want it to be weird between us know. We still have to live together and we can't keep trying to avoid each other."

"I'm not the one running out of the room every time I walk in."

"True," he said with a nod. "It's just hard for me to express myself any other way. I don't want to fuck this up. You, us, as friends."

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