Chapter 30

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"Zee's not coming home tonight."

Only a simple text from her sister that she was spending a night over at Helena's. It was the weekend, and her sister was grown, she didn't have to check in with her.  It was nice that she did because now she wouldn't have to worry about where Zee spent the night.

"That means we can get loud?" Tristan smirked at her while they stood in her bathroom brushing their teeth to get ready for bed.

"No!" she laughed. "But that means we don't have to whisper and act as if we're not sleeping in bed together."

"And it means maybe we can try some things that may get a little loud."

"Try some things?"

They both finished brushing their teeth, flossing, and rinsing. Tristan was super into his hygiene on top of being a super neat freak in his bedroom. She was amazed he kept it so clean while she felt like a slob. His bed was made every morning when after she left it a mess. No clothes on the floor, shoes put away, not a lick of clutter on his dressers like hers.

It made her want to clean her room more, to keep up with how neat he was.

"Come on, let's get to bed, school is in session, lil bit."

Tristan went into his room and took off his shirt, tossing it in his closet in the hamper. She looked down at her t-shirt and oversized joggers she typically wore to bed. She definitely had to invest in some sexier sleep attire with a guy like Tristan. She was going to do some online shopping tomorrow.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to take the tangles out and make herself look a bit more presentable, or sexy. Then she slipped into the bed with Tristan.

He immediately pulled her to him and kissed her.

"Mmm, you taste good."

She giggled at him. "Boy! We both just brushed our teeth."

"I know. I like kissing right after."

She rubbed a hand across his tatted, muscled chest, which caused her to feel warm. "I'm ready to learn all the things. Teach me!"

"All the things." She could feel him staring at her even through the darkness of the room. "Can I touch you?"

He wanted to touch her, and she was sure he meant in places she had not been touched before by a guy. She only managed to nod and knew he could barely see her face in the darkness.

"Jo, use your words, don't be shy now."

"Yes, I want you to touch me."

"You have to tell me what you like." He planted more kisses on her lips, his hand tugging at her shirt, lifting it up. "I want to caress your breast."

Simply thinking about his touching her had her so aroused. His hand moving to her breast and caressing the hardened nipple with his thumb sent a chill over her body.

"Baby, it's okay," he said of her shiver. He gave her a few more kisses. "Now I'm going to kiss you there."

His soft lips on her breast made a soft moan escape her lips. By the time she felt his tongue lick over her hard nipple, she moaned a bit louder.

"See, unh-huh, this is why we're not doing anything while your sister is here."

"Okay, okay, I'll be quiet."

"Don't be quiet now, we're all alone." Tristan went back to licking her breast, making circles around it with his tongue. Teasing her already hard nipple and flicking it with his tongue.

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