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Partner From Hell

"Was the karaoke fun honey?" Mrs. Hayashi asked while standing in the kitchen. Hitomi was untieing her shoelaces in the vestibule. "Of course, we had a lot of fun. Especially Yuma he really enjoyed it."

"He must be good at it. I haven't seen him for a while though. Invite him over sometime."

"Sure." Hitomi said while standing up from crouching to her shoes.

"I'm cooking Tteokbokki. Are you hungry?" Her mother said stirring the food in the stove."

"Oooh, I didn't know you can cook Korean food!" She sat on the table and already waiting for the food to get ready.

"I can do everything." Her mother said while smiling proudly.

"Here have some."

"It smells nice, mom!" Hitomi picked her chopsticks and tasted it. She told her mother how good it tastes and ate for a while when something urgent to ask about came to her mind. "Oh yeah, we have a field trip soon. I can go right?" She asked while waiting her mom to answer.

"Of course you can, those are the most funniest thing in high school."

"Thanks mom!"

She finished eating and climbed upstairs switching her jeans to some more comfortable pants.

I'm tired, I'll just go to sleep


Hitomi had a small suitcase and she was dragging it to the school front yard. She saw her classmates and other her year students there waiting to depart to the long-awaited field trip. Yuma and Mina were in the crowd, talking to each other. She approached them and waved from a distance. Just when she arrived to her friends the teacher announced, "Okay, let's start getting into the bus, I hope no one is late, I'll check everyone in the bus entrance."

"You came just in time Hitomi." Mina stated.

"Well I see that, I almost got late, gosh." Hitomi showed a relieved smile.

They placed their suitcases and backpacks to the bottom of the bus and took seats. Hitomi sat besides Mina in the window place and Yuma sat in the seat that was behind them. They were talking and listening music on the ride.

"Omg we're here!" Mina shook Hitomi's shoulder and she woke up from her dreams, not even remembering when she fell asleep. All students grapped their bags and went to the grass field where were those beautiful trees with pink leafs. The cherry blossoms trees. The teachers stepped on the field holding lists in their hands.

"Okay we're here, are you excited?"

"YESS!" all the students screamed at the same time.

"I see that." The female teacher laughed.

"So firstly, we'll be having here group missions and the groups will be chosen by us to make new friends and get to know new people, of course."

It didn't really bother Hitomi. She isn't good at making friends but for a fun trip like this, she wants to even try. But honestly, she still wanted in the same group as Yuma or Mina.

"I'll announce the groups now,"

"Group 1, Shigeta Harua, Kawai Ruka and Hamada Asahi."

"Group 2, Myoui Mina, Ezaki Hikaru and Nakakita Yuma."

"Yuma we are in the same group!!" Mina started hopping in amusement.

Oh, well it's alright


"And lastly, Group 12, Nishimura Riki, Miyawaki Sakura and Hayashi Hitomi."

Are you kidding me!?!? Why of all people, him? Well at least there is someone else too

"But apparently Sakura became absent for having a cold so you have to work together as a pair."

WHAT!? I'm actually gonna cry

Hitomi just stood there not saying anything when everyone was talking. Yuma and Mina looked at her Mina with a worried expression and then glanced each other, "I feel so bad.." Mina whispered only that Yuma can hear.

"What, why? Because he's a boy?" Yuma said in confusion.

"Oh right, we never told you.. hhm."

"Told me what!?"

"Nothing." Mina said and looked then at Hitomi who was still facing the ground.

Seriously. I'm not gonna do this. I just want to disappear. Why did I came here in the first place?

"Hitomi?" Mina raised her voice when she didn't answer her calling for the past two tries.

"Hmm?" Hitomi looked up to her raising her eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" She asked holding her palm on her shoulder.

"Of course, at least we don't have to share a cabin here. That'd be the end of me.."

"Yeah." Mina said showing a small smile. The teacher approached them while holding something.

"Here is the cabin keys, Yuma and Mina were in the same group so here one for you, and Hitomi was with Riki. Inform him that you have the key, alright."

She watched as the key were given on her palm, completely speechless.

Oh.. We are having the same cabin..

The teacher left them and gave keys for the other students in the row. Her head was full of thoughts and the ground below her felt like it was spinning.

Okay just breathe, in.. and the out.. He's not gonna strangle me in my sleep, right? I hope so

People were already leaving to their cabin's and they just stood there. Mina and Yuma didn't know what to say to her at this point. Even though Yuma still didn't know who this Riki was he saw the distressed look on Hitomi's face so he decided to stay quiet at this point.

"What the hell!" Hitomi suddenly screamed in frustration and threw the key on the ground and kicked some grass from the field. 

"Is there something wrong young lady?" A teacher asked when she saw her outbrust.

"Yes! There is a big problem!" "I don't want to have a same cabin with that jerk and I don't even want to pair up with him!" She pointed at the gyu walking towards them.

"We are here to make new friends, just get to know each other." The teacher said showing a supportive smile.

"Yeah, right? We can get to know each other." Niki came and picked up the key from the ground and looked at her with a evilish smile plantered on his face.

"Okay, we'll get going now!" Mina said showing a big smile and taking Yuma with her. "Good luck!"

"You can't leave me with him! Are you even my friends!" She angry stomped then looked back at Niki who still had that teasing smirk.

"Let's check our cabin." He emphasized in the "our" part and the amusement not leaving his eyes. At this point she just accepted her fate and began to find their overnight stay with him.


"Oh, well, this is nice!" Niki explored through the cabin. Hitomi was wandering around too, feeling relieved when there was two bedrooms because it was originally designed for three or more people. It was so brown inside. Just what a cabin should look like. There were a big room for living room that had a sofa and a television. In the other side of the same room there was a small kitchen. The two rooms were in different directions, one besides the kitchen and other besides the kitchen aswell but in the other side. 

At least I don't need to sleep in the same room as him

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