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The Flamed Sides

When Hitomi stepped out from the school building, the cold breeze hit her body. It was way colder than she thought. Well, what did she really think? It was winter? She snapped out of it and couraged herself to survive the way home. 

Many people indeed had left already. When she first came, the parking lot had plenty of motorbikes and other vehicles, but now there were only two. Those were regular black motorbikes, but the other one had flames glued or painted on the sides.

 A short distance away from the bikes there were a group of boys standing and doing something, maybe just chatting. But it was dark enough, that she wasn't one hundred percent sure were they all even boys, but considering their height and suits, she assumed so. Otherwise it was too dark for her to see more.

Hitomi heard the motorbikes' engines starting from the school yard, when she was already on a pathway outside the school area. The sound of one bike approached her while the other one faded away further. She got confused when the bike stopped next to her and the driver took off his helmet.

"Hitomi, are you walking home?" Niki asked her while sitting on his bike. It was the flamed one. Now as she compared Niki and the bike, it looked just like him. The stickers matched the vibe he represented.

"Yes." Hitomi replied.

"Why don't you have a jacket? It's freezing cold, huh.."

Hitomi realized now that she was already shivering and her arms were crossed on her chest to keep her warmer. "I forgot it."

Niki got off his bike and began to take off his jacket he had on. He placed it on Hitomi and set her opened braid over it. "I'll give you a ride." Niki offered.

"Oh, no need. I can walk." Hitomi assured.

"I'll just drop you off in the way. I know where you live. We don't live that far away from each other anyway. It's in the same direction." Niki ensured. It would have seemed crazy to be on Niki's bike with him, so she tried her best to reject his offer. But he demanded it. And honestly, she had no idea Niki even had a license, or does he?

"Um.. okay, then.." Hitomi finally accepted his offer hesitantly.

"I don't have a spare helmet now, but take this." Niki said and gave his helmet to her.

Is he crazy?

"What if you crash?"Hitomi inquired worriedly.

"Crash? That won't happen. And even if it happens, it's better me to die than the passenger."

Niki is so stubborn and unbothered and Hitomi could only stare at him in disbelief. "Now, wear it. Or do I need to help you with that?" Niki asked tiredly.

"No." Hitomi answered and put it on her head, but he helped to attach it anyway.

The bike was way higher than it looked in the parking lot and Hitomi felt like it was too high for her to hop on. Niki noticed it too, and without informing her first, he grapped her waist and lifted her onto the bike. Hitomi didn't expect it. She felt like her weight was nothing for him, as her feet raised from the ground. He lifted her so effortlessly. Then Niki also got on the bike, in front of Hitomi and was getting ready for driving. "Hold on tight." Niki urged.

"Where?" Hitomi asked anxiously.

"I don't know." Niki said and smirked in amusement, though Hitomi couldn't see it. He accelerated the bike, but it was in neutral gear, so it didn't move, but made the sound. Hitomi freaked out, because she still wasn't holding on anything and quickly wrapped her arms around Niki. Niki got what he wanted with his hustle and then actually started driving.


The drive felt relaxing. Actually, Hitomi started feeling drowsy on Niki's ride. He was not driving recklessly at all, but appropriately and calmly. The cold wind couldn't even touch her as she was hiding behind Niki's figure and her head rested against Niki's back. The motorbike came to a halt and Hitomi realized she was at home already. Niki stepped off his bike and supported Hitomi's descent.

 When her feet could touch the ground again, she felt relieved. But the ride could've last longer, she thought. Hitomi unattached the helmet and handed it to Niki. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem."

"Oh, and this." Hitomi began to undress Niki's jacket, that she was wearing at the moment. He stretched out his hand to take the jacket, while the other one was busy holding the helmet.

"By the way, is it yours?" Hitomi pointed at the bike next to them, which now rested quietly on it's kickstand. "I've never seen you driving it."

"It is mine. But my mom doesn't like that I'm driving it. She says I'm too 'young' for it. Or then she just doesn't trust me enough." Niki explained. His voice has become more tired and tender. It was time to let him go to sleep, and also herself.

"I see. Well, I'll get going now." Hitomi informed. Niki hummed as a response and began to put on his jacket and helmet. He hopped on his bike. Hitomi started her trace to the front door.

"It was a nice evening, Hitomi. I liked it. Sleep well." Niki said gently. Hitomi turned around and got perplexed slightly, but she definitely agreed with him. She felt how the butterflies started twirling in her stomach. Why did she feel like this? Maybe she was too tired and needed sleep. Or was it the way he spoke? But she couldn't help it. It was a different feeling around him. Actually, she has felt almost like this the whole night. Why? Does she perhaps.. like him? No, that can't be. She should hate him.

"Yeah, good night." Hitomi replied. He started the engine and vanished from her sight. Hitomi stood on the porch for so long, that she no longer heard the sound of his motorbike. That's when she allowed herself to enter inside her house. 

It was quiet, since her mom wasn't there yet. Hitomi was so tired that she wasn't going to take a shower until the next morning and crawl onto bed as soon as she got her pajamas on. For a moment, in her darkened room, she stared at the ceiling and thought about the events that happened today. It didn't last long when her eyes closed by force and she fell into a deep sleep.

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