Chapter Ten

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The sun's golden rays cast a warm, embracing glow upon the horizon, only this time, it was the northern village that lay bathed in its light. Unlike the quaint town where Oldren's Tavern stood, this village was bustling with activity and life. As he looked around at the vibrant streets and bustling market stalls, a twinge of regret crept into Oldren's heart. He couldn't help but wonder about the potential prosperity he might have found here if he had settled in this larger and more prominent place. The thought of a larger customer base and more opportunities to fill his coin purses lingered in his mind, tempting him with a fantasy.

However the sun was descending fast, darkness was beginning to consume once again and it seemed that they would have to wait until morning light to venture into the large village. And so, for yet another night, they would find themselves under the starlit canopy of the woods.

The journey since the clash with Rok had been marked by a heavy silence. Onyx's demeanor brimmed with visible irritation towards both Oldren and Rok. Her avoidance of eye contact and near-constant silence, spoke volumes. Even when she did break her silence, her commands to her steed were barely above a whisper, as if her voice was a mere echo of its usual strength.

Meanwhile, Rok's intense gaze continued to lock onto Oldren, his eyes burning with a challenging glare. Oldren knew that Rok was staking his claim, asserting dominance over him to prove a point. It was as if Rok's watchful eyes were a constant reminder that every action, every gesture, was being meticulously observed, weighed, and analyzed. The tension between the two hung palpably in the air, a constant reminder of the suspicions Rok harbored, and Oldren bore its weight.

"Aye, we should make camp here for the night," Oldren finally suggested, breaking the silence that had settled among them.

Onyx and Rok halted their horses and dismounted without a single word spoken. They were like silent shadows as they went around, doing small things to make camp more—bearable—for the night. Onyx built a fire while Rok tended the horses. However Oldren just sat against a log, nibbling on a small piece of dried meat, watching the two. He noticed Rok glaring heavily at him, after he shifted his gaze from Onyx to Rok. It was seemingly aware that it displeased Rok when anyone would look at Onyx for any amount of time. He was like an overprotective dog when it came to Onyx, even when she was clear of harm's way.

Oldren just shifted back, leaning on the log behind him, awaiting morning light so he could scavenge around the village. And decide whether or not he would proceed with Onyx and Rok, fighting his way to honor, or make a living as just another humble tavern owner. But in his heart—he had already made up his mind.


"Get up, ye two! We have a village to interrogate," Oldren's voice rang out, a robust wake-up call that cut through the morning air. The sun was just barely visible in the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue that breathed life into the new day. The remnants of their campfire had been extinguished, embers smothered under a blanket of dirt, leaving behind only a trace of its former warmth.

As usual the first to stir awake—was Onyx. Her raven black hair covered her golden-amber eyes, and in a, some-what irritated state she pushed it aside. And unlike the past morning, she was silent. Seeming relevant to Orlden that she still held a grudge, why, he had not a clue but he was sure she had her reasons. She was particular in many ways, and at times she looked at Rok almost as if she was—reading something. Much different than the look Rok gave her—protecting something too precious.

Whom she was, was still an ongoing mystery to him. All he knew was that the Queen was willing to leave the safety of her kingdom to find her, and that Rok would kill himself to protect her and her identity. Oldren was also well aware of the Queen's thirst for power and control. And if Onyx was just another ordinary being, the Queen would have simply put a bounty on her head and be done with it. But whomever Onyx was, she was important enough to be hunted down, and brought to her majesty—alive.

No—there was something more, something rare about the young woman he traveled with. Something he was bound to discover. Nonmatter the consequences, he was determined to discover the secrets she harbored deep down.


Onyx, now focused on saddling her horse, felt frustration brewing within her like a tempest. Her brow furrowed in concentration, each buckle, each adjustment felt like a reminder of her inability to break through her own anger that held her voice captive. She wished she could shake off this reticence, she didn't like it. The stillness that had settled over the three of them was suffocating, and she couldn't stand it any longer.

Onyx glanced at Oldren, who was mounted on his horse, his eyes fixed on the village ahead. There was an air of determination about him, a sense of purpose that seemed to drive his every move. She wondered what he was thinking. She had begun to realize that he held more knowledge than he let on, particularly about Rok's history, and she suspected that there was a depth to both of them that had yet to be fully revealed.

However he also knew very well of the Queen and the cancerous war she was carrying on, antagonizing. On the contrary—he was a useful ally. But again she couldn't allow herself to be too quick to trust. She had let her guard down briefly, and Rok caught her. He felt something off by the Dwarf and she would not be so quick as to ignore his intuition.

But she also knew that they could not stay hidden forever, someday they would have to take a leap. Someday they would have to step into the light, to take a risk and reveal their intentions.

"Look, we cannot continue like this," she finally spoke, her voice breaking through the quiet air that had hung over them. Her words were a declaration, a plea for understanding and cooperation. "We need to communicate if we are to fight alongside each other."

Rok's gaze shifted from his task to her, his eyes narrowing slightly as if assessing her words. Oldren's expression was more inscrutable, but she could sense his attention fixed on her, waiting to hear more. Onyx took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their expectations and suspicions resting on her shoulders.

"I know we all have our doubts," she continued, "But, whether we like it or not, we're in this together. And if we're going to navigate the challenges ahead, we need to some-what trust each other." she took a deep breath, steading herself for what she was about to say next. "Even if that means we shed light to our secrets"

Rok's hard gaze locked onto Onyx's, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to suspend as their eyes met. There was a depth to his gaze, an intensity that sent a shiver down Onyx's spine. In that brief connection, she felt a surge of familiarity, a sense that he understood her in ways that no one else could.

As their eyes held each other, Onyx could sense Rok's intentions, a silent communication that transcended words. He was one of the rare few who knew the extent of her abilities, particularly the power of mindreading that lay dormant within her. It was a skill that demanded her utmost concentration, an intense focus on a single individual in order to peer into their thoughts.

A flicker of something passed between them, like words being clearly spoken. "Onyx, are you sure you are ready to take such a risk?" his thoughts rang out.

She nodded slightly in response and Rok's gaze shifted away, and back to his task of tacking up his steed. Onyx released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Was she?—Yes—she was beyond ready"

She then locked her gaze onto Oldren's sky blue eyes. "Oldren", she paused and breathed in hard, as if she were about to jump off a cliff into a black sea. For in her mind—she was. "I possess the power of Necromancy"

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