Teaser for Book 2

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Raging, violet irises fell upon an orcish army. Each soldier standing tall before their Queen, profound loyalty evident in their anticipation of her next command. The soldiers watched carefully as she paced back and forth, her heels hitting the cobblestones in an elegant symphony. Her wings twitched irritably, hands placed neatly but firmly behind her back.

The air was still, with only the raindrops creating a lullaby that discouraged the settlement of such silence.

"Someone very close to me," Queen Demeter declared, her voice loud and strong, further enforcing her command.

"Has taken it upon themselves to rid of a personal nuisance." She paused slightly as her violet gaze scanned the assembled warriors.

"Now this wouldn't bother me, if that particular 'nuisance' wasn't me" The Queen continued on.

The Orcish soldiers exchanged glances, a sense of tension filling the air as they awaited their Queen's next words.

"Someone close to me," Queen Demeter repeated, her voice gaining an edge, "has taken it upon themselves to take my throne."

The orcish soldiers shifted uncomfortably, glancing at each other with uncertainty. The queen's eyes flickered with a spark of anger as she went on reviling whom this betrayer could be.

"My trusted commander has betrayed me."

"Not that this the first time"

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