Chpter Twenty-Two

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The word 'Direwolf' struck Rok like a bolt of lightning igniting a mix of confusion, fear, and curiosity within him. He glanced at Onyx, his eyes searching for answers that he wasn't sure she was willing to provide. How did she know about the Direwolves? What other secrets did she hold? The Queen's reaction to those creatures had been undeniable, fear evident in her violet eyes. And then there was the name that resonated in his mind, Dezenym.

Rok's thoughts raced as he tried to piece together the fragments of information he had gathered. The Queen's warnings about the Direwolves echoed in his mind. Creatures of power and danger, feared even by the likes of her. And Onyx had called them 'home?' How could such fierce creatures, capable of striking fear into even the heart of the Queen, be associated with something as comforting as home? As though they were family.

His gaze shifted from Onyx to the surrounding forest, the shadows playing tricks on his perception as he tried to make sense of it all. He had thought himself knowledgeable about the world he lived in, about the threats and alliances that existed. But now, faced with the enigma of Onyx and the Direwolves, he realized that his understanding was sorely lacking.

"Direwolfs," It slipped from his lips, a whisper that hung in the air like a foreboding omen. He looked at Onyx again, a mixture of concern and uncertainty etched into his features. "What do you mean by, the Direwolves?"

The Chronicles of Onyx: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now