Coffee Has Two Virtues: It's Wet and Warm (Eight)

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After they did some light stretches, Sarah led Sonny over to where the punching bags were located. Grabbing a pair of gloves that would fit her friend, she started to put one on Sonny's right hand. As she securely tied the glove's strings, Sonny reminded her of the cast she wore, which partially covered her left hand.

"No problem," Sarah said, finishing up. "You can just hit the bag with your right hand." Moving to the punching bag, Sarah placed a hand on either side of it as she instructed her friend to take a jab at it. Sarah grinned seconds after a particular thought entered her mind. "Pretend that this bag is Jack Foster."

Sonny laughed, taking a stance much like a boxer. "Hey, that might not be such a bad idea." Focusing on the punching bag, she visualized her competitor's face. Since she had a broad imagination, it wasn't difficult to do. Drawing her arm back, Sonny slammed her gloved hand into the punching bag, causing it to move a bit. A bit surprised at the force in Sonny's punch, Sarah held on tighter to the bag as the other woman took another jab at it, this one a tad harder than the last. Putting her left arm into it, Sonny took mock jabs at the bag with it before making contact with the right.

Sonny thought of Jack, beads of sweat beginning to form on her body as she struck the punching bag faster and harder. She even began to put some fancy leg work into it, bouncing around a little as the song Eye of the Tiger started to play over the speaker system. Sonny grinned, fat beads of sweat rolling down her slightly flushed face. The song was fitting.

Jack Foster. She was the proverbial pain in Sonny's backside. Could the woman's head swell any bigger? If being cocky were a crime, Jack would surely be serving two life sentences back to back. Just about every time that Sonny came face to face with the woman, she felt the urge to slap her silly. Especially when Jack put on that "I'm superior to you" smile of hers. Good Lord, that woman was aggravating! Given the opportunity, within minutes, she could probably make a priest want to commit homicide toward her.

As sweat began to soak through the sports bra she wore, Sonny started to deliver a round of uppercuts to the punching bag, pretending that she was making contact with Jack's chin. Tiring of the uppercuts, Sonny started a succession of quick jabs to Jack's middle. This was very therapeutic. She would have to come here more often. Better yet, maybe she should just purchase a punching bag and put it up in her bedroom. Yes, that would work. Sonny had a feeling that she would be using it just about every day.


Done with her program on the treadmill, Jack hopped off, grabbing her towel from one of the handlebars. Bringing it to her face, she began to dab at the sweat before rolling the towel and placing it around her neck. Having given it much thought, she still had no idea what she was going to do about Chloe. Somehow, she was going to make it up to her. Everything would be all right between them. They were siblings -- of course, they had arguments in the past. None this large, but they would heal from it sooner or later.

Deciding to spend some time working on a punching bag, Jack headed in the direction of them. Moments later, she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed Sonny and Sarah. Sarah was seemingly holding on to the punching bag for dear life while Sonny beat the crap out of it. Jack arched an eyebrow. Seemed she wasn't the only one who was experiencing tension. She had a feeling that Sonny's had something to do with her. Jack was having quite an effect on women these days.

Observant eyes trailing up and down Sonny's body, Jack could not help but to notice how adorable Sonny looked in her little loose-fitting gray shorts with matching sports bra. Great abs, Jack thought as she studied them from afar. In fact, everything about Sonny's body was pretty great. The cute tight little butt, legs that although didn't go on for days, were perfectly toned and shapely... Blinking, Jack shook her head. What was she doing checking out Sonny Campbell? She was in love with the most incredible woman on the planet! Jack smiled as she thought of PerkyGrrl. There was simply no one like her. How long was it until Disneyworld? Oh, yes, less than a week now. The smile grew wider.

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