Coffee: The Gasoline of Life (Forty-Three)

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The party was moving along quite well. Thoroughly enjoying themselves, everyone had full tummies, and the time had come to start opening presents. Excitedly (who doesn't like opening Christmas gifts), some guests chose to sit on the floor surrounding the tree while others occupied the couches and chairs. Having been initiated as the official gift giver, Chloe stood by the Christmas tree ready to start handing the guests their presents.

Before she could get started, Isaac said that he and Sarah had an announcement to make. After obtaining everyone's attention, Isaac reached into his pocket and pulled a small object out, which was concealed in his hand. With a tender smile on his face, he looked at Sarah as he began to slip the object, which turned out to be a --though modest in diamonds-- exquisite engagement ring.

Isaac then announced that a few days prior to that evening he proposed to Sarah, and that they were to be married on New Year's Eve. Yes, it was quite soon but Sarah and Isaac were anxious to start the new year as husband and wife. They were planning on having a small and intimate wedding and Sarah took this opportunity to ask Sonny to be her maid of honor.

Squealing in delight, Sonny ran up to her best friend and nearly hugged the life out of her. "I'd be honored to be your maid of honor!" Returning the exuberant hug, Sarah richly chuckled.

After a hearty round or two of congratulations for the happy wife and husband to be, it was time to litter Jack's clean carpet with torn gift-wrap, bows, boxes, and decorative tissue paper.

Occasionally sipping from a mug filled with eggnog (the kiddie kind) Jack watched, a slight smile on her lips while everyone exchanged gifts, sharing smiles, hugs, and thank yous as they unveiled their presents. Though she had already given away most of her presents to the people gathered tonight at her home, she had decided to wait for everyone else to get done before she gave Chloe, Sonny, and Briana theirs.

Her smile growing larger, Jack looked down at the slim white and gold accented box placed upon her lap. Lifting the cover, she fingered the lovely certificate stating in bold italics that she had ten free one-hour massages to be used anytime at Serenity Palace. While Jack proceeded to open the neatly wrapped gift, Sonny had mentioned that she had no idea what to get her. After all, what do you get someone who could buy just about anything they wanted? However, Jack quickly assured her that the gift was perfect. And it was. A grin lifted the corners of Jack's lips as she thought about just whom she would be collecting the ten massages from. Sonny girl, I predict we are soon going to be spending quite a bit of time together at your place of business!

So caught up in imagining those soft, warm, petite hands on her body for a solid hour ten different times, Jack nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Glancing toward her left, she spotted Leslie leaning against the arm of the couch. Putting her mug down along with her gift from Sonny, she turned to face the woman, one eyebrow raising in question.

"Now that you've nearly scared the living daylights out of me, may I help you?" She smirked when her ex-girlfriend grinned.

Leslie leaned down and toward her so that only Jack could hear her. "We need to talk."

"I told you that the edible panties were Chloe's idea." She grinned, eyes twinkling with obvious mischief. "I was against it, but of course she wouldn't listen to me. You know kids these days." Trying not to laugh, Jack thought back to when Leslie opened the gift, first reading the small Christmas label attached, which said that what lay inside was truly for she and Laura.

A smile forming on her lips after reading the label and then handing it to her girlfriend, Leslie revealed her gift, which turned out to be licorice panties in an assortment of flavors and colors including cherry, grape, and peach. Both women turned bright red, however Laura quickly recovered by holding up a pair of purple grape panties and exclaiming that she hoped they fit. Everyone laughed.

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