Coffee and Love Are Best When They Are Hot (Twenty-Three)

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While Leslie introduced her new friend to Chloe, Jack strolled over to the stereo, examining the large assortment of compact discs. Choosing a Sheryl Crow CD, Jack inserted it into the CD player and pressed play before she headed toward the bar to fix Leslie's and Laura's drinks. Opening the mini fridge located behind the bar, Jack took out a chilled bottle of ginger ale, pouring some of the clear liquid into a glass before dropping in a bright red cherry. While mouthing the words to the current song playing, she added both gin and dry vermouth to a shaker filled with ice. Gently moving her hips from side to side, Jack shook the ingredients, catching Leslie staring at her from the couch. Winking and grinning at the gorgeous blonde, Jack proceeded to strain the concoction into a martini glass. By the time she added a green olive speared on a toothpick, Leslie had arrived at the bar, taking a seat on a barstool.

"I couldn't help but to notice the movement of your hips in those tight leather pants of yours," Leslie announced as Jack set the martini in front of her. "Pardon me if I'm being much too forward, but you look very sexy tonight." Leslie grinned, noting the sudden red glow to the other woman's cheeks.

"Thank you, Les. You're looking pretty terrific." Picking up Laura's drink, she informed Leslie that she would be right back. Moments later, Jack returned empty-handed, occupying the barstool next to Leslie's. "So, what have you been up to?"

Removing the olive from her drink, Leslie held the tip of the toothpick, bringing the olive to her lips and lightly running the tip of her tongue around it as she kept her eyes in steady contact with Jack's. "Oh, you know, this and that."

The other woman softly groaned as she leaned toward Leslie whispering, "Stop it. You're being very cruel."

Leslie chuckled, pulling the olive away from her mouth. "What? What did I do?"

Jack smirked. "You know exactly what you did."

"So, are you saying that I still have an affect on you?"

Her answer delayed, Jack glanced at her sister and Laura, noticing that they seemed to be deep in conversation. Looking back at Leslie, she quietly replied, "No. What I'm saying is that I haven't enjoyed the company of a woman in a long while, and I'm a bit sensitive right now, so, I really don't need to watch you making out with an olive."

Leslie gave her a broad grin. "That's just a long-winded way of saying 'I'm horny'." She laughed while her friend rolled her eyes.

"You're too naughty."

"Nonsense, Jack. You more than anyone should know there's no such thing as being too naughty." Picking up her glass, Leslie took a sip of her martini. "What's stopping you?"

Jack's brow knit in confusion. "Stopping me from what?"

"What's stopping you from enjoying the company of a woman as you so gallantly put it?" Leslie grinned. "I think you could have just about any woman you wanted, whether she be gay, straight or somewhere in between."

Deciding to be honest, Jack admitted, "Because there is only one woman that I want."

"Oh. That's right." Leslie put her martini back on the bar before returning her attention to Jack. "I had momentarily forgotten about the one you're in love with. How is that going?"

Jack sighed, beginning to swivel from side to side on the barstool. "Let's just say that it could be better, but I'm working on it."

"I would think that it would be easier to win her heart since Laura is no longer in the picture..." Leslie trailed off as she brought the toothpick to her mouth, biting into the olive.

"You do, do you?"

Leslie chuckled. "Indeed. Just give it some time though. I'm sure that she'll come around."

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