All You Need is Love...and More Coffee (Forty-Two)

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Hearing the phone's incessant ringing, Briana put the final touches on her Christmas present to Sonny. A bright red bow was placed on the small rectangular gift before the young woman found a place for it under the cheerily decorated Christmas tree. Since her sister wasn't currently home, Briana walked over and picked up the phone just as Sonny's voice began to play via her answering machine.

"Happy Holidays," Briana jauntily spoke into the phone. Although there was five days until Christmas day, every year Briana ceased answering the phone with the customary hello between the dates of December 18th through the 30th. She then proceeded with Happy New Year's until the second of January officially arrived. It was a tradition that she created of her very own. However, no one in her family had picked up on it except for Melanie. Briana figured that converting one was better than none.

"And Happy Holidays to you too," a Southern accented voice replied after a moment's pause. "Is Madison home?"

Briana's interest was instantly awakened as she wondered just who this woman could be. The voice didn't sound at all familiar. "May I ask who is calling?"

"Sure, honey. Her friend Dixie."

Golden brows nearly disappearing into her hairline, Briana moved over toward the couch and plunked down on it. "Dixie? Dixie Monroe?"

A soft chuckle wafted through the receiver. "Yes, that's right, honey. I reckon that you have heard of me?"

"My sister has mentioned you," Briana answered a bit tightly. All she could think about was that this woman was the sole obstacle standing in Sonny and Jack's way of being together. If it wasn't for her, they might already be a couple. And what a cute couple they would make too! Gripping the phone tighter than what was needed, Briana quickly decided that she had to be the one to eliminate Dixie. Completely ignoring the fact that she was sticking her nose where it did not belong, she started to speak.

"I think it's in your best interest not to call here any more. My sister hasn't heard from you in several days yet you claim to love her. Tell me just what kind of love is that?" Glancing toward the front door, Briana silently prayed that Sonny wouldn't enter before this conversation was done. She'd gone to pick up the ten pounds of Chinese food they ordered, and could be back at any moment now.

There was another pause, this one slightly longer than the last. "Are you Madison's little sister Briana? I've heard so much about you. All good of course."

"Yes, I am." Rising, Briana started to pace within the boundaries of the living room. "And you didn't answer my question. Just in case you thought otherwise, it wasn't rhetorical." She thought she heard a snicker, however it was much too brief to be declared as one. Regardless, Briana frowned.

"I do love her, Briana, as hard as it may be for you to believe. Your sister means a whole lot to me. I know that my behavior as of late has been less than...'gentlewomanly' and for that I do apologize. I've just had a lot goin' on but I'm calling 'cause I'm ready and able to mend things with Madison. She means more to me than I could ever relay to you."

Despite her irritation at Dixie's presence in her sister's life, Briana couldn't help but to believe that she was being genuine. However, that didn't rule out the fact that she was still an obstacle. Dixie just had to realize that Sonny was not her perfect mate. She had to be made to realize that there was someone else out there for her. She sounded like a pleasant enough person. Certainly, someone would sweep the Southern belle off her feet before long.

Unfortunately, before Briana had the chance to voice any of those thoughts she detected the sound a door makes when a key is inserted into it. Looking rather annoyed at the interruption, the teenager sighed.

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