Ojiro x Hagakure

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Hagakure's POV:

Whenever people see what my quirk is, it's either one of two reaction - "Oh my goodness, poor you! I bet it's awful when nobody can see you!" or "Lucky you! You could get away with anything!".

The truth is, I don't really mind being invisible. Sure it can be annoying when people straight up ignore you, but there are a few perks to it- like blushing, for instance.

Every time I talk to my crush, I get nervous, but as long as I keep my voice steady, nobody will ever know!

This was one of those times I'm glad nobody can see me. I was sitting at the back of the class, only half listening to Present Mic's lesson.

I was staring at a certain cute boy with a tail a few seats ahead of me. I could stare all I wanted and nobody would ever know!

"Can anyone answer this question? Yes, Ojiro?"

"Um... C?" he said.

"Correct! Great job!" praised Present Mic.

Ojiro smiled and his big tail waved from side to side a little. I almost died of cuteness- his tail wags when he's happy!

Soon class was over and I went to go talk to the rest of the girls.

"Hey, Toru! We were thinking about throwing a sleepover in my dorm!" said Mina excitedly. "All the other girls are going. What about you?"

"Sure! I'd love to!"

"Great! You can be in charge of getting the popcorn!" said Mina.

We discussed the sleepover for the rest of the break, until Aizawa entered and we had to sit down.

I looked forward to spending time with my friends tonight, but at the same time I knew that my crush would not remain a secret for much longer.


After school I walked to a nearby convenience store to buy some popcorn for tonight's sleepover. I wasn't exactly sure sleepovers were allowed in dorms but it's not like Aizawa was going to stop us, so we did them pretty often.

As I strolled along the sidewalk, I, or rather the floating t-shirt and shorts I was wearing, got a few curious glances.

I thought about what would happen tonight. Mina would definitely want to play truth or dare or something and make all the girls reveal their crushes.

I decided that if I was asked, I would tell them. They'll probably spend all of next week trying to get us together, especially Mina.

I payed for the four bags of microwave popcorn I bought and started to make my way back up to UA.

"There you are, Toru! It's Sato's turn to make supper tonight! You better get some fast before it runs out!" said Mina as I walked into the common room.

I quickly went into the kitchen to see most of class 1-a holding dishes of Sato's curry.

I looked around in disappointment when I saw that there was none left.

"It's so freaking bland!!!!"

I turned to see Bakugo slam his bowl down on the table angrily before trudging off to get some spices and hot sauce.

I quietly walked over to the table and grabbed his bowl. He was probably going to kill me when he finds out, but Sato's cooking is to die for anyway.

I shoved spoonfuls of it into my mouth as fast as I could, finishing the food in a record two minutes. Just as I was putting the bowl in the sink, Bakugo came back.

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