Todoroki + reader

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In this chapter, there is no romance, just a oneshot about reader being a good friend to Todoroki.


Your POV:

"Todoroki's birthday is coming up, you know." I said thoughtfully to my best friend, Midoriya.

"Yeah, I should probably get him a present..." he agreed.

"I've never seen him drink tea before..." I said slowly "It's probably because he doesn't have a teapot! Maybe I should get him one-"

"No!" interrupted Midoriya loudly "I, uh, think you should get him something else... anything else, actually..."

"Um...ok. What should I get him then?" I wondered.

"I don't know... I don't even know if he has hobbies. All I really know about him is that he hates his dad and likes cold soba."

"Cold soba? How am I supposed to work with that?" I sighed. "I'll probably end up giving him a mug or something."

"I've got it!" I exclaimed suddenly.

"What?" asked Midoriya.

"I'll get him a fireproof shirt!"

"That's actually a good idea." complemented Midoriya. Why did he sound surprised?? All my ideas are good! "I did notice that half of his shirt got completely burned away during our match at the sports festival."

"Yeah, the whole stadium could see his abs!" I chuckled.


"It's true though... It's ok, Midoriya, you don't have to be jealous~! I know that under that school uniform you have a six pa-"


"I'm right though! You can't deny it! All the boys in class 1- a are insanely muscular. Like, unnaturally so."

Midoriya rolled his eyes, a slight blush on his freckled cheeks, and soon the conversation shifted to much more boring things.


"Hey, Zuki, wanna train together after school?" I said innocently.

Midoriya choked on air as he turned to face me, eyes wide and face red.

"I'm sorry, Zuki!? W-what??"

"Yeah, Zuki! Short for Izuku! I just thought you needed a nickname. But if you don't like it..." I looked away, pretending to be hurt, but honestly I was trying not to laugh.

"Um.. n-no, it's not t-that! Noone has ever called me that before, so I was just a little... surprised. But it's um, fine if you want yo call me that I guess!" he stuttered.

"Relax!" I laughed "It was a joke, Midoriya! I only wanted to see how you would react!"

Midoriya released a sigh of relief as I continued to laugh at his reaction to his nickname.

"Yes, I would love to train with you, Y/N!" he smiled, cheeks still pink from embarrassment.

"Great! It's a plan!"



"Um, Y/N, we're both on level ground..." pointed out Midoriya.


"Y-You w-what??" spluttered Midoriya, turning red.

I took advantage of his confusion and swept my leg under his feet, before pinning him down.

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