Aizawa + Eri

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Definitely no romance in this one, just Dadzawa hanging out with Eri, cuz why not.


No one's POV:

"We need a volunteer to take care of Eri for a while before we can find her a new home." announced principal Nedzu to the rest of the UA staff.

"What about that Mirio kid she's always with?" asked Midnight after a pause.

"As you know, Mirio is in the hospital. And he is a UA student and cannot be burdened with looking after a child right now." Nedzu said "Which is why one of you teachers will be assigned to look after the girl."

All the teachers looked expectantly at Aizawa.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" he groaned.

"Yes, Aizawa, you'll do just fine." said Nedzu.

"I didn't agree to this..."

"You know what? I think I could do it-" started Midnight.

"I'll do it." interrupted Aizawa.

"It's settled!" finished Nedzu "Aizawa, you can go pick her up, the rest of you are dismissed!"


"Eri, this is Mr. Aizawa." introduced Midoriya, kneeling down next to the child. "He's going to look after you for a while, ok?"

"Ok." she said shyly.

"Get back to class, problem child, I can handle her from here." Aizawa said.

"School finished an hour ago..."

"Then get back to your dorm."

"Y-yes, sir."

Midoriya left and he was left alone with the little girl. They both stood in silence for a minute, not knowing what to do.

"I guess we should go home. Come with me." Aizawa said, turning around and motioning for Eri to follow.

Eri nodded her small head and started to walk behind him.

After a while, Aizawa felt something hit his hand. A small hand slipped into his and grasped it tightly. Without looking at the girl, Aizawa squeezed her hand back reassuringly.

"Um, Mr. Aizawa, are we almost there? My feet are getting tired." said Eri timidly.

Aizawa stopped suddenly and knelt down in front of her.

"We're almost there." he said "You can ride on my back if you're tired.

Eri exclaimed happily as she wrapped her arms around Aizawa's neck. He lifted her up easily and hooked his arms under her legs for support.

He carried her all the way to his house. As he unlocked his front door, he noticed Eri's breathing had deepened and she had rested her head on his shoulder. He felt her little horn lightly pressing into the fabric of his shirt and realized the girl had fallen asleep.

Aizawa opened the door quietly and walked in, careful not to wake Eri.

She's had a long day. He thought to himself, setting the girl down on his own bed and tucking her in.

Aizawa turned off the lights and went to go sleep on the couch.

He fell asleep quickly, exhausted as always from teaching class 1-a, wondering what he would do tomorrow with Eri. It was Saturday, so he would need to figure something out. Maybe go to the park?

He would figure it out in the morning, he thought, drifting off into a deep sleep.


"Mr. Aizawa! Mr. Aizawa, it's time to wake up!"

MHA OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz