(Hawks x Reader) 'Paparazzi' pt 2

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Idk if the picture will load, but up there is a pic of the cake I made for my lil bro's birthday yesterday^^


Your POV:

I was walking casually through the streets that the pro hero Hawks frequently patrolled.

Technically, I was supposed to be keeping a close eye on him right now, but watching a guy do nothing but walk around and give out autographs gets boring after a few hours.

My mission had been going alright so far. I was gathering information about the pro hero Hawks for an attack that my fellow League Of Villains members were planning back at the hideout.

After learning all I could about his fighting style and patrol routes, I would temporarily blind him with my quirk, making it even easier for us villains to capture him.

I felt my stomach rumble so I decided it was time for some lunch.

I looked around and spotted a small restaurants across the street. I made a beeline for it immediately, hoping they had (f/f).

I was right in front of the door of the establishment, not watching where I was going, and I bumped into something hard.

"Excuse me!" I apologized, looking up to see who I had run into "Hawks!?"

"Do I... know you?" he asked. He had just walked out of the restaurant and was holding some fried chicken.

Favorite food: fried chicken wings. I noted out of habit.

"I'm... I'm, uh..." I stuttered, feeling nervous as he watched me curiously. Had he recognized me? What should I say?

"I'm... Your biggest fan!" I exclaimed "OMG I can't believe I'm talking to the real Hawks!"

It was a good thing Hawks was so full of himself that he overlooked my bad acting and gave me his autograph with a smile.

"Always happy to meet a fan!" he waved, starting to walk away "Especially when they're cute~"

He winked and was off with a flurry of wind and red feathers, leaving me to wonder what on earth had just happened.


"Come on, Paparazzi, you have a mission to complete." reminded Kurogiri.

"But I don't wanaaaaaa....." I whined from my comfortable spot on the couch.

I looked out the window at the darkening clouds, then back at the TV.

"Besides, I'm still in my jammies." I told him, taking a sip from my juice box.

He gave me an exasperated look before tossing me my freshly laundered villain suit.

"Here." he said "Villainy doesn't wait for good weather. I expect a full report on Hawks' day this evening."

I groaned and reluctantly slid off the couch.

"Does villainy wait for the end of the movie?" I asked.

"No." said Kurogiri.

"You are truly evil." I glared at him, pausing the movie and going to my room to get changed.

"Thank you." he said, watching me leave with those creepy yellow glowy eyes of his.

After I got dressed into my disguise/villain suit, I left the hideout.

I was greeted with a gust of cold wind and an ominous roll of thunder. I cursed Mo- uh, I mean Kurogiri under my breath and pulled my coat tighter around me.

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