Chapter 5: Getting Out

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Eloise was outraged, because apparently her parents had grounded her because she dyed her hair. After a long argument and streams of tears Eloise stormed to her room. According to her parents being grounded for a month is her punishment for committing such an absurd act by dye-ing her hair which according her parents is not a standard thing for a girl from well family to do and definitely not when she is to be betrothed to someone. Her being grounded meant she would not be able to go anywhere but school, that also Emmett would pick her up and drop her off to school for the rest of the month. But Eloise had enough she was tired of being kept in the house her whole life, her parents didn't let her go anywhere, not the trip to Rusticville with her friends or shopping in the market nothing.
It was almost midnight and it was getting colder outside when Eloise heard a knock on the window. Startled she look towards it to see a man in his early 40s now peeking in. She almost screamed, almost but when she saw who it was she calmed a little "You scared me" she said placing a hand on her racing heart. "Sorry, Clouds didn't mean to" the man said somewhat guilty. She sighed "what are you doing here,Roman?" She asked Roman who was now getting comfortable on her bedroom couch. Roman laid on the soft lush couch hands behind his head, feets crossing each other. "Well, you had you're 20th birthday—" "which you didn't come to, yeah?" She cut him off  "—which I'm sorry about" he justified himself. "So as I was saying before you interrupted's time I tell you a story" "Really Roman you came to tell me a story?" She said crossing her arms and sitting on her bed he ignored her and continued "Clouds, do you believe in magic?" "I-no, why'd you ask? What's going on Roman?" Eloise asked as to why Roman would've came to meet her in the dead of the night and ask her such random question. Roman was like a friend to her more like her guardian angel really, he use to come and visit her on her birthdays bring her gifts and take her to parks and tell her stories. "It isn't clouds,  magic is not imaginative it's real, there's magic in you magic in me and magic in everything around us, you know you've seen me do magic before didn't you?" Roman flicked his hands and suddenly a lot of confetti started to fall of the sky filling Eloise's room. She gasped surprised . "You didn't need to show it, clean the mess. I knew you did magic and something is weird with you" She yelled. "Then why didn't you say anything, Skye" "Skye? I thought it was Clouds " "Yeah that's what I call you but you need to understand a few thing but even before that why did you trust me?" Roman questioned her "Because you were nice to me, you came to meet me on my birthdays lit up my days when I use to be were like my guardian angel...and I was fascinated seeing you do magic I didn't feel threatened" He smiled again, "Clouds, I want you to think 'I want it to thunder this instant' and see what happens" she was confused. Eloise couldn't believe it but she did it nonetheless thinking about thunders and suddenly a loud thunder roared in the sky. She gasped loudly. As Roman was pleased with her reaction. "Clouds, I want you to come with me, Come and save our world. Bring the bright back, please don't say no, I'm sure it's hard to believe but please come to our world and save us we've been living in darkness for so long" Roman pleaded. Eloise might seem stupid but she believed Roman, as I mentioned he was her best friend and guardian angel. She saw him since she was little so did trusted him plus she knew he did magic so chances of her being a magical being and Roman coming and finding her were quiet high.So if this goes wrong or right she might just have an adventure of her own

"Our world? What is your world?" "Our world Lumierè, the world of magic unknown to mortal" "But Roman i have so many questions" "I understand but we're already late, we should be leaving soon. I promise I'll explain everything once we find the other three, I'll explain that too later" he added the last part as she looked utterly confused but still wrote a short note to her parents saying she's upset with them and is leaving the house and packed some essentials. She and Roman the jumped out of the window. And ran in the endlessness of the dark night to god knows where.

          Meanwhile in Rusticville

"No, No, No I won't, how can you say that Indi. I won't I won't I won't." Zachary was on the verge of tears as he protested against Indigo's plan. "You need to understand, Zach please. We can't live like this forever, I don't want you to do this. Everything we do is just so wrong I want it to change for you, please understand Zach" Indigo pleaded "But-But I'm okay with living like this Indi, you cannot send me to a foster house just because you think it'll do me good, but trust me when I say it'll do no good Indi"
"Zach, please you're like a little brother to me, I want a better future for you, I don't want you steal and live in fear of getting caught. Give me some time just sometime and I'll create a better future for both of us a-and they also teach you to learn and write at that home, didn't you always want to learn yeah? Please Zach I promise I'll get you out no matter what when you turn 18 okay, you trust me right?" Zachary was now crying, Indigo saw him grow before her own eyes, she saw how he would be happy whenever they stole food that was more than just plain bread, she saw how he tried to read and write whenever he can. That's why she was trying to get him to stay a few years in the foster home so at least he won't have to worry about getting caught by the soldiers, if they'll get dinner tonight or not, and not worry about the cold winter nights or dirty torn clothes. And contribute to that her intuition of something that'll go terribly wrong or something great is about to happen, Indigo was a type of person to trust her gut feeling rather than being logical and her feeling something bad about to happen was not something she'd take lightly. "Okay, Okay but You have to come and meet me always, you get me ALWAYS." He said thinking over it. He did want a good future but not without Indigo "I will, my little dude" Indigo smiled.
The next sunrise Indigo and Zachary went to Foster home to get him enrolled. After doing some paperwork they finally got him a room with 2 other roommates. "I'll miss you so much Indigo" he wrapped his arms around her petite figure. "I'd miss you too, Zach, take care yeah, eat a lot, study well,
And break jaw if someone troubles you yeah?" She said smiling a little. With a last hug Indigo left the home, controlling tears, wiping them with her earthed cloak. She didn't know what she's going to do now but she has to start somewhere maybe get a job or something. That will need her to be presentable, so she'll have to either steal some good clothes or steal enough to buy a new one. Sighing she went to her alley that she and Zach called 'home'. But now that Zachary has a new home it's just going to be just her like the old times.

The story has started officially I hope you all enjoy it..comment as let me know how you like it!!!
Thank you for reading!!

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