Chapter 24: Are they Ready?

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It's been two weeks since the Originals found out about Kaiser's unique powers. In these two weeks the Originals practiced together some days with their trainers and some days without them. Eloise has learned to talk with the animals of her element, Aveil has befriended a gnome and has named him, mr. Wilmis, Levi has been taking care of Ember (who didn't go away and stayed in the forest) and Indigo has meet some new mermaids. And today was just an another training day, all of them practicing in the open field of the town. The trainers teaching their respective trainees. Sonny teaching Levi things about herbs and healings, which the latter boy took great interest in, Carter and Eloise making some small storms, Celeste dueling with Indigo who now has a great control over her powers and Zephyr and Aveil just meditating trying to gain control over emotions. Suddenly there was big wave of wind, blowing everyone's hair and clothes and out in thin air appeared Kaiser. His face devoid of any emotion, his muscular body adoring a black silk shirt and pants.
"Hey, peasants" he waved over at them, the group gathered together confused of Kaiser's frequent visits. Twice in a row. "What now? Dumb head" Levi rolled his eyes. "Mate is this the Kaiser dude?" Aveil whispered in Levi ear which made him gruff in agreement. The trainers took their fighting stances, ready for any trick the villain might pull out. "Relax guys I'm just here to see your progress if the 'Originals' are ready to defeat me or not, though seriously how can you be so dense to believe a old glass ball who spouts nothing but nonsense" Kaiser said walking around a little air quoting the word originals and rolling his black eyes. His eyes met with Indigo and instantly his lips formed a smirk. "Ahhh hello sweetheart, did you miss me? I was excited to see you today; see I even dressed nicely" he continued, gesturing towards his attire. "Excuse me? I even forgot you existed but unfortunately you do" she replied crossing her arms over her chest. "Well How about take your giant ego and your pea sized brain back to your castle and stop bothering us, we have things to do unlike your pity self" Levi sassed him. Something triggered him; Kaiser's eyes turned darker than before if that was even possible he took steps towards Levi in annoyance "Don't pity me you—" suddenly a big wolf jumped between them growling at Kaiser to back off and that wolf was non-other than Carter. His fur in cream and light brown,color eyes bright green, big sharp teeth ready to tear Kaiser's skin apart. "Chill there doggy, sit down I'm not going to harm any of I won't do that I will wait and see if they can match me THE DARKEST MAGICAL BEING OF ALL TIME KAISER HAWTHORNE" He said laughing loudly like a maniac. A man came running behind Kaiser his hands tied together and he looked like he was about to pass out, he came and landed right in Kaiser's feet panting and mumbling incoherent words. The group was standing on decent distance to see and hear; the man looked as if he was starved, messy hairs, cuts and wounds all over his body, no footwear, eye bags and dark circles, pale skin. "Master, master I would never go against you ever master! Please leave me give me one chance!" The man begged grabbing Kaiser's feet. Kaiser made a disgusted face not even sparing the man a glance looking at the group ahead of him before saying "Okay you have a chance, you can go" his face devoid of emotions, the man stopped begging looking up at black haired man before loudly saying thank yous "ALL HAIL KAISER" he screamed. "Sike! No one gets a chance against me" Kaiser laughed loudly. He grabbed the man's hair making him stand on his feet. "Any last wishes?" He asked "p-please d-don't ki—" Oh why did I even ask" Kaiser rolled his eyes and then looking deep in the wounded man's eyes and suddenly the man puked blood, his eyes rolled back, his arms and legs turned in a weird and painful looking directions and he fell on ground tiny flakes leaving his body and slowly his body disappeared in the air.

The Originals were mortified after seeing the scene, the Trainers raged, the Originals just read about the power but seeing it with their eyes it was horrible and gruesome than one can imagine. Eloise felt sick in her stomach making her want to throw up. Kaiser then just gave them all a final devilish look before disappearing off. One thing about these frequent occurring incident was that Kaiser did not mean any harm to them, he just came joked around and went away with small threats as if trying to distract them from greater damages he was about to do. Sonny and Zephyr shared a look before they asked two of the kids to ride on Carters back and go back to town and other meanwhile ran with all their strength to see if the town was alright.

The town was indeed alright, people going on with their day as any other normal day. Levi and Eloise got off Carter's back and soon others joined too. "The town looks alright" Zephyr said. "I-it is" Sonny said panting. "Now what?" Levi asked. "Let's go back home and let's see what we can do about this..situation" Carter announced the other nodded their heads walking back home. All of them settled themselves on couches at Originals house, Eleodora joining  them. Celeste explained her every thing leaving her stunned. "So what we going to do now?" Aveil questioned. "I think it's time" Roman popped up. "Shit, you scared me" Eloise said placing a hand on her racing heart. "I'm sorry clouds I didn't mean to" he apologised sending her a small smile. "It's time" he moved his eyes to Carter who stared back at him intensely. "—for you guys to go to Cordelia and get your accessories" Roman finished. The tension of the room suddenly increases ten times more at Roman's statement. "Are-Are you sure?" Eleodora asked concerned. Sonny sighed "We knew this was gonna happen someday but so early?" "We just have to go and retrieve the accessories right?" Aveil asked innocently. Zephyr chuckled sarcastically "I wish it was that simple, young man..but you have to prove yourself to be worthy for it" "So we just have to perform some of powers and prove we are the Originals?" Levi asked. "No that's not some circus audition; you'll be put to test in various ways..some very tough ways" Celeste said. "Celeste is right, the test would be very difficult...we saw the king go through it and it was terrible...the Originals compete there for the throne, it is said that Gaea herself sets up the test to see if you're worthy enough to control her magical world" Carter spoke in deep thoughts, Eleodora placed her palm on her husbands shoulder expressing concern "Honey? Do you think they're ready? They're just kids after all I'm scared" he placed his hand on top of hers "But we can't wait that long, Kaiser might attack"
"Trust me when I say, they are more capable than the show on surface" Roman said raising his eyes from the ground his usual cheerful eyes now gleaming with seriousness. "B-But we barely started to duel each other..." Indigo said. "You'll all come with us so that won't be a big problem right? You'll guide us like always" Eloise said edging on her seat, with big hopeful eyes her hands clasped together. The elders looked at each other sadly before Celeste spoke. "You'll have to go alone we-we can't exactly come with you guys" Indigo looked at her "what?" It was quiet hard to believe that they had to go on a journey together without any of the their trainers or Roman, since past two months they all had been close to each other like a family, like they knew each other for ages. Aveil and Zephyr talk together on trees for hours sharing their experiences on life. Indigo and Celeste sit by the ocean, the latter sharing some sea stories with the younger one, or going for a swim together. Levi and Sonny sneak up on dragons watching them from behind the bushes or sometimes Sonny teaches Levi things about healing and herbs. Eloise and Carter predicting and betting on the weather, the loser buys the winner unicorn shaped buns. Eleodora cooking for them every evening, bringing them fresh homemade cakes and cookies. Roman taking them to his home which was a thick tree among the forest just a platform of wood on a big branch,  no rooms. "Only Originals can go to Five pillars" Celeste replied. "So even you can't? The guardian of the ocean?" She questioned and Celeste shook her head. "We'll give you all information about it all tomorrow and get you all prepared now you rest the night away" Sonny said to the younger ones patting Levi's back, while getting up. "I'll send you something to eat for dinner yeah?" Eleodora asked but didn't wait for a reply, her eyes slightly watery leaving the house other following right behind. The Originals looked at each other; only one question in their minds
'Can they do it?"

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