Chapter 12: Penny for your thoughts?

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The sun was setting in the horizon

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The sun was setting in the horizon.
The group stopped and decided to call it a night as they were pretty much near the entrance. The forest has now turned blue from pink. Levi had started up some fire for the girls and Roman to cook meat along with some vegetables, for dinner while the boys set up the hammocks.
"Yeah, pull the rope like that, pull it hard Levi" Aveil instructed Levi, on pulling the rope of the hammocks.
"This is peasant work...why am I even doing this" Levi scoffed while pulling the rope. Tying it to the deep blue trunk of the tree and they were done setting up the hammocks for their current sleeping arrangements. Roman had tents with him but it got too stuffy in there, so they went with the hammocks instead.

"We hold it on fire? this?" Eloise asked. "Yeah, a little bit over the fire like this" Indigo was showing Eloise how to grill the meat on the open fire which Levi started for them to cook, while Roman was chopping the meat pieces, he screwed 2-3 pieces on a screwer and handed them to the girls. "Wow I never knew we can grill meat like this" Eloise said looking at the flesh that was starting to cook. "Yeah, we can...I do this sometimes it gives smokey flavour to it" Indigo answered moving on with other thing to cook. The boys came and sat next to each other on the mats, everyone one had dinner in calming silence because they were fairly still strangers to each other. Once dinner done, the group cleaned up and went to their designated hammock to get a good night's rest.

The forest was quiet, a few noises of the crickets are heard from here there along with Eloise's soft snores. All of them were dead asleep, walking for 2 days can do that to you, but Indigo...was wide awake, she couldn't get even a wink of sleep. She was in deep thoughts of what Zachary must be doing, if he was angry she didn't visit..god he must be hating her right now. Her chain of thoughts was broken by soft sound of footsteps on the leaves. Indigo got up a little to see someone walking off to somewhere in the forest. Out of curiosity she got up and followed that person closely. The unknown human stopped infront of what seemed like a small stream of river. Her Indigo eyes tentatively scanned the figure. "Aveil?" She said. Aveil turned around looking at her with wide eyes. "Indigo? What are you doing here?" He asked the initial shock leaving his face. Indigo's cat like eyes narrowed on him as she walked to where he stood on the bank of the stream. "I could ask you the same question..what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Aveil signed "I couldn't sleep " he replied as he sat down and stared at the stream of water zonning out.
"I couldn't sleep either" she said, following his actions and sitting down with him, it was silence after..comfortable silence both of them lost in their own thought until Indigo decided to break it. "Penny for your thought?" She turned to him. "There's a lot on my mind actually" he signed. "Okay then I'll give to two pennies" she said with a straight face. "I was just thinking about if my parents think I'm dead, are they sad, maybe they regret their actions? or how is it at school now that I'm gone? Who is Elijah's new victim now?...I was an outcast you see, got bullied since 8th grade for my clothes, for studying too much basically being the nerd and 'the guy who always comes second'" he scoffed. "Since I was little my parents always forced me to study and rank first in class and I tired, I really did even when studying is not what I'm interested in I tried my best. But I couldn't just rank first and my parents they always called me a disappointment...and this why people like Elijah bullied me in school. My dad is a farmer..he doesn't earn much just enough for 4 people to survive but he likes to show the world that we aren't poor as if we have everything he doesn't like to accept that we are poor he goes around the town lending money to people when we ourselves don't have much..when guests come my parents buy us expensive clothes and expensive meat for dinner and sometimes that's very fucked up, I don't know why he just cannot except the condition" he continued, Indigo didn't say anything she just listened. "And they always compare me to my brother who tops the classes has scholarships and all. Honestly I'm not mad at him for achieving all of that, I'm happy for him and he works hard, maybe he was born smart but It is so tiring honestly to be compared to someone all the damn time....but I'm quite glad I'm here I wanted to run away for a long time" he finished looking at her. There was a pause and then Indigo asked
"what is that you're interested in?"
"Archery..I really like Archery. Been fond of it since I was child" he smiled. "What about you? What are you interested in ?" He asked her.  She shrugged saying-
" think of it nothing really, I don't know the last time I did something for myself....I've just been too engrossed in stealing and running away"-looking at the water.
"Hey, why did you agree to come here?" He asked. " I don't really know, maybe because I discovered I had some magical powers and that could actually save people and make my life have a purpose, but then I was also tired of the life I was living I wanted to change that and maybe the universe gave me an opportunity to change myself for the better....what about you though you didn't even restrain when we told you to come along" she replied.
"Yeah well, I got my powers since I was 16 I was really fascinated by it I use to sneak to the forest and stay there to play with my magic and then i started having these dreams where I'd see a man and he asking asking me to go to Lumierè to save them I wanted to but I didn't know how and I knew I had bigger purpose in life so when I saw Roman and you guys in the tunnel it all just made sense to me and when I saw the forest and the magic around I was like 'this is where I belong' you know ?" He said while Indigo nodded in understanding. Indigo's hand rummaged through her pocket fishing out two coins of silver. "Here you go" she said.
"Wow I didn't think you'd actually give me the pennies " Aveil laughed a little accepting the money.
"We should head back, you know get some rest" Indigo said getting up and extending her arm for the brunette to take. The went back to the camp said their good nights and got on their hammocks. And in the soft noise of crickets and snores, the sleep finally enveloped Indigo.

Hey beautiful people! Hope you had a nice weekend..penny for your thoughts on this chapter? Well thank you for reading and VOTE!!!

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