Chapter 25: Get ready

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As the sun came up, the birds started to chirp happily on the branches of the Originals home. Levi was still asleep, Aveil who went on a jog at the break of dawn came back with breakfast for them. The girls were busy cleaning up, Eloise taking a shower and Indigo tidying up her bed. The pair of girls came down stairs, along with a very sleepy looking Levi. "Good morning Aveil" Eloise greeted, walking into the kitchen to see the said boy setting up the table. "Hey good morning guys, I got us some breakfast by the way" the breakfast he got consisted of four steaming unicorn buns, which had a nutty cream filled in the horn of the round bun, some blue tea which Roman got them, and Chicken eggs.

Poultry and meat is cultivated in Lumierè for the sake of a healthy diet, because even if they have magic their bodies they are still human and to complete their nutritional requirements, and hence the residents of Lumierè have established poultry and meat farms, one in each town not over population but just enough to feed the town.

"Ahh breakfast" Levi said groggily, sittings down on a chair.
"Eww stinky, did you even brush your teeth" Indigo asked Making a disgusting face. Levi just waved her off continuing to fill his plate with food. The group sat down and started to eat their breakfast in silence when Aveil decided to break it.  "Hey guys, do you—do you think we can do it? Get the accessories and continue the legacy of our ancestors and all?" He was now just merely picking at his half fried egg. "If Roman thinks we can, then maybe we really can we haven't even got to the half potential of our powers so we really don't know what we can do when the time comes" Eloise who was sitting diagonally to him replied. "But what if we can't do it? Then what?" Indigo raised her question.
"I-I don't have answer to that" she said. "But like can we all stop thinking about the negatives why not think 'oh hey yeah I can do that; I am the original I can move mountains if I want' why not think about the positives instead?" Levi spoke up. The rest just nodded and continued their breakfast, and then getting ready to go to the Guardians house for the meeting called.

The group of these Originals came inside and sat on the couches, where the elders were also sat. On the table was some warm pink tea, as it was snowing today, the snow of Lumierè was pretty pink in colour and so light like little bits of pink clouds falling from the sky.  "Good morning kids" greeted Carter. "Good Morning" the group replied a little tensly.
"Have some tea, kids" Eleodora offered with a smile, pouring the tea into cups for them. "Thank you Eleo" Eloise replied. "So let's not stall four are going to the journey to The Five Pillar. This is the journey you have to do alone, you will learn more about your power face obstacles on your own and only Royal and the originals can enter the island, so we cannot go with you" Carter said. "It wasn't the rule before...I have myself seen our last king get through the tasks of The Five Pillar..but then one of the original's advisor used his magic on other originals to fail them that made King Atticus make the rule that no one except the originals and Royals can enter the Island, then Gaea's magic surround the Island, that's also why Kaiser failed to enter the territory of the Five Pillar" Roman told. "So where is this Island you speak of?" Indigo asked. "The Island of Cordelia is across the Ocean Meditite, basically across Lumierè, we can go there by just going all the way to north but it will alert Kaiser that is why we will have to take the long way that is to go through the Middle Meditite, we will have to find you a ship that is ready to do a journey so dangerous." Sonny informed. "I can talk to some sailors to see if we can get a ship to go to Cordelia" Celeste said taking up the responsibility of finding the ship. "The journey and the tests for your worth to have the sacred Jewels starts the moment you sail off to Cordelia..the danger lies there awaiting for you" sonny remembered the time when he went to Cordelia with the king. "Why do you all keep saying 'dangerous journey' what is so dangerous about it?" Levi asked raising a brow. Celeste's eyes darkened a very dark aura surrounded her suddenly "The dangerous part of the journey is the ocean itself"
"It would alright, we don't need to fear if we have Indigo with us it's her element after all" Aveil who was quiet for long time spoke up. "Kid, if you don't fear the should now that because the Meditide isn't any normal ocean, some of the most unusual phenomenas have took place in the ocean. I, being the Queen of Aquaris town in Meditite don't know what is in that ocean. You don't know what you can encounter while on a journey across Meditide...dark creatures you can't even think of, some who we only have heard stories of, spirits waiting to feed on souls and whatnot" she said, those sentences of hers made chills run up their body. "And no matter what you'll have to face it and survive it's a week of journey to the island" Zephyr said placing his hand on Celeste shoulder to calm her from scaring the kids.

One thing Celeste has learned from living under the ocean is to never ever underestimated it, the ocean will surprise you in a way you won't be expecting. Even after living under the ocean for years she is still scared of it...the scariest thing of the Ocean of that you don't know what is in there and the residents haven't explored it enough to know what is there and what not in the fear of discovering something horrible. Scary legends and folklore stories are still yet to be proven truth or fake. "Two days atleast to complete the tasks at five pillar" Sonny added. "Tomorrow Celeste you will bring a ship and in two days you all will leave for Cordelia" Carter ordered standing up and leaving the room.

"Don't mind him kids, he's just worried and stressed" Eleodora gave a small smile before following her husband. Roman walked towards them and placed a reassuring hand on Levi's back saying "It's okay, I know you all can do it" Levi scoffed and shoved his hand of walking out of the house muttering "Easier said than done"
"He's just pressured don't feel bad Roman" Indigo said while his eyes looked a little dull. "It's obvious of him feeling that way..I mean they were just living normally until the were picked and placed in a magical world they didn't even knew existed and then they have to save the world and fight against the darkest magical human being" Sonny reasoned. "Okay kids you all can go and get ready to leave; pack maybe or you know do whatever you want today" Zephyr ushered. The Originals nodded quietly and exited the house parting ways with each other and going to where their feet leads them.

Levi walked all the way to the Mountains of Dragon.
Eloise strolled around the market just looking at the town.
Indigo went to the Mirror Lake to clear her mind.
And Aveil went to the muddy lawn to spend sometime with his gnome
Mr. Wilmis. But one thing that circulated their minds was 'what is waiting ahead for them?'

Hey I finally came up with a schedule for publishing this chapter so I'll try to update every Thursday or maybe once a week if not Thursday. Thank you for reading and VOTE!!!

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