Chapter 17: Controlling powers ( pt:2 )

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Carter and Eloise were on tall tower near the town, he said it is used to determine the weather.
"From up here we can get you connected to the sky, that's the very first step when learning to control your magic, getting yourself connected to your element" Carter explained.
"It feels nice up here" Eloise said as the wind caressed her midnight blue hair as she stood against the railing. "So what is the first step in this training program?" Eloise questioned raising her eyebrow. "The first step is—" he said moving to the railing where Eloise stood "—to get to know each other, since we are going to be trainer and trainee for sometime we should get to know each other so that we can get comfortable and I'd know how to help you improve" Carter smiled widely and Eloise mirrored the gesture. "Okay, I will start, my name is Carter Hudson and I am a werewolf, born and brought up here in Enchantia...I am married to the love of my life Eleodora who is a witch. I belong to the Night Howlers pack, one of the oldest packs in the town and I am the alpha." He informed excitedly. "Wow, you're an alpha that's so cool, I have read about werewolves in fantasy book but I don't know how much of it is do you look in your wolf form? Like the one who stands on two legs or like actual fluffy giant wolves" she laughed. "Well werewolves are the giant fluffy ones as you stated it...the ones standing on two legs which turn on full moon nights are the ones with a werewolf bite who survive the transformation" Carter informed and chuckled at Indigo who had her eyes wide in amusement. She cleared her throat "So I'll go now, My name is Eloise Young, I was born in France but I was brought up in Oakridge. I'm half Chinese and half French, I have a sister called April...I am—was a University student and I was about to betrothed to someone whom I didn't even know the name of"
"You were to betrothed?"
"To whom?"
"As i said I don't know" she shrugged. Carter decided to drop the topic and moving on to another.
"So Skye...along with weather manipulation you can also talk to animals based on your element" he explained. "Like dragons?" She asked innocently as Carter gave it a thought and shook his head. "Well not dragons cause they represent fire as their element...for you it would be let's see...Hippogriffs, Griffins, Pegasus and Wyvern and more" he listed. "Ohhh so I get Pegasus wow I always loved those" she almost jumped in excitement . Eloise always had major interest in mythology and history, mythical creatures and old cities fascinated her a lot, so much that she even wanted to be an archeologist but her parents refused, so clearly when being told that you can communicate with a Pegasus; she as thrilled. Carter was slowly becoming fond of her she was just so innocent and cute in his eyes, he knew if he and Eleodora ever had a daughter it would just be like Eloise. "Hey tell me more about Lumierè" Eloise said turning her gaze towards Carter
"Well I'm pretty sure Roman told you about the king and the Five I'll tell you about the origin of Lumierè. Long long time ago when the gods still use to live on earth, the crime rates started to increase all the monsters and demons fighting against the gods, but their army was so strong that even gods themselves couldn't handle the chaos. So they gathered in heaven they created a girl and each of the gods gifted her some of their own powers....Hephaestus the god of fire, gifted her powers of fire manipulation, Amphitrite, the wife of Poseidon, gifted her the power of water manipulation while Antheia the goddess of vegetation gave her plant manipulation and lastly Zeus, the god of all gods, the ruler of thunder, presented the powers of weather control." He further continued "—That girl was called Gaea, the goddess of nature. Gaea later on defeated the demons along with other gods and created Lumierè to house all the magical creatures and the magical people. She created the originals, gifting them each element and handed them the responsibility of balancing the light and dark, prevent the creatures from going into the mortal world. Gaea, she who is the mother of this nature is very powerful, if she wants she could destroy the whole world to punish the mortals for causing her damage, she can cause destructions like earthquakes, tsunamis and critical weathers but she doesn't because she is the mother, the mortals pollute her, slowly destroy her still she nurtures them. But petty humans don't understand that, to think they are above her, the goddess herself. I hate the humans for slowly destroying the plant it's shameful really" Carter ended and looked at Eloise
"That's very true, the air pollution, factories poisoning water it's really cruel for the nature" They were silent for sometime until Carter began again. "Ha! Well would you like to go on a little walk around the tower, Skye? There are some instruments that are use to detect weather here in our world I can show you" Carter said hands behind his back and walking towards the stairs, Eloise following right behind him.

"Augustus? Augustus! Come on we're almost there" Sonny yelled over to Levi who was now sitting under a tree panting. The pair had been walking for over an hour now and Levi being Levi; he was extremely tired
"I thought once we arrived in the town I wouldn't have to walk so much guess I was wrong, don't you guys have some sort of vehicle like a car or something even an horse cart could work" Levi said gulping down some water.
"Well the only source of vehicle we have are the witches brooms, the magic carpet and some other flying creatures...but those are expensive and creatures are hard to tame so you do have to walk" Sonny said pulling Levi up and continuing to walk ahead. They reached a spot it was clear and plain trees surrounding the area. The pair came to stop and Sonny turned to Levi. "So first day of training, we're doing nothing very complex just getting you connected to your element, I mean that's what we discussed anyways" Sonny shrugged. "Wait so like you all discussed how to train us?, I thought you were natural" Levi squinted his eyes. "Honey, I don't train people, I train dragons" suddenly something very deep roared in the forest behind them. "W-what the fuck was that?" Levi said looking around.
"That according to my knowledge must be a Oriental worries though they won't hurt you" Sonny said patting Levi's shoulder.
"Yeah won't hurt me because it'll fucking swallow me even before I have the time to fucking comprehend something" Levi said looking paranoid.
"How do I trust you that you did not take me here to kill me...i don't even know you to begin with and then you take me somewhere away from the town and not tell me where" Levi asked again moving backwards. Sonny sighed
"Roman was right you are a little loose in the head....Augustus this is the Inferno Mountain or Mountain of Dragons a place where dragons live. Your elemental animal is a fire dragon and we have to get you introduced to one of those"
"Oh hell no, you definitely killing me and did you just call me "loose in the head" and for your information i am not part-taking in any of that YOU CANT NOT DO THAT WITHOUT MY CONSENT!" Levi screamed.
"Hey, hey, hey calm down and chill...we are not doing that today, it can wait until you're knowledgeable enough...we are just going to do some hand-to-hand combat today" Sonny informed. "Combat but don't we have magic?" Levi said standing straight up. "Well it's for the safety purpose you never know what you encounter and since today others are just trying to 'connect' to element we're doing the same ...but we are doing it differently". Levi narrowed his eyes on the man quiet suspicious of this weird man's behaviour but agreed nonetheless. Sonny crouched down and shuffled through his backpack he was carrying he took out a big and thick wooden stick that had a white cloth wrapped around at an end of it, Sonny poured some type of liquid on the cloth "So here's the plan I'll light this" he pointed to the stick "—and I'll charge towards make sure not to get hurt and try controlling the fire." For a second Levi was relieved because when Sonny said get him connected he thought Sonny was going to light him on fire.
"So you ready?" Sonny asked taking a stance. Levi nodded as Sonny charged forward Levi moved around ducking down trying to tame the fire, but he couldn't, Sonny was still waving the fire around moving it towards Levi...Levi though was a little late and the fire touched his forearm, slightly burning his skin. He hissed loudly and sonny dropped the stick, putting the fire out and rushed towards his bag pulling out a small mud pot. "Here let me see" Sonny said making Levi sit on a rock. Sonny examined the burn, it wasn't something serious but it did manage to burn a layer of his milky white skin, the flesh around the burn was turning angry red. Sonny dipped his fingers in the small pot, scooping a deep green paste like substance on his fingers and applying it on the burn. Levi started to feel the burn subside as a cooling sensation took over. "What is this?" Levi whispered observing the paste. "It's a herbal medicine paste, I made actually when I work with dragons and get burn I apply this it subsides the burn and heals it quickly" Sonny replied wrapping a cloth around Levi's arm. The pair sat there for a while before continuing to practice after Levi insisted that he could take on and they practiced until the sun was ready to over the horizon.

Hey how was the chapter?
Did you think that this would be the history of Lumierè 🌚?
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Ps: I'm sorry for not updating I forgot x_x

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