Chapter 8: Magic Exists

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It was almost late evening when Indigo reached to her usually alley, she went into an abandoned apartment in an abandoned building that looked ready to fall, she sat on a chair in what was left of the living room. She had a bottle of water in her hand as she stared at it thinking about what happened that noon, whatever that trickster looking man said was roaming in her mind over and over again.

She opened the bottle to take a sip of water when it fell down from her hand and spilled the water on the dirty floor. She let out a curse, as she didn't have anymore water to drink until the next morning. She suddenly started to feel light tingle in her fingers, she raised her hand and the water on the floor started to rise from the ground. She stared at it with shock "oh for fuck's sake don't tell me" she gasped. "Am I hallucinating? No I'm not...what the fuck" she stared at the water which was now just floating in the air, she waved her hand and the water started to move in the air following her hand's direction. She felt like she would pass out right then and there. Then Indigo dropped her hand and the water was on the floor once again. "I'm going stupid aren't I?, it has to be something with the Mad man's story oh lord" she stared at the water wide eyed, she tried it again to see if it were real or she was just seeing things, she waved her hand and the water rose again. Roman's words repeating again in her head         
"'re the savior of Lumierè of the four originals" she held her head in her hands, she was so confused that how did her life changed so quickly from being a nobody to a savior of a magical world, she didn't know what to do, she thought maybe this was what it was about to happen when she had the feeling of uneasiness. After hundreds of thoughts, lastly, deciding to go and find Roman tomorrow. If it is what she think it is...then she might just have to save a world now.

"...our savior, please save us"  it was all dark, nothing to see but somewhere in the darkness a voice cried, asking for help. He started to walk around in the darkness and a lot of hands started to grab him from sides, he could hear people crying and asking for help. He felt goosebumps on his arms he couldn't move or say anything, he didn't even know what was going on but suddenly...his vision changed he was now standing on a bridge it was still dark it was like a very dark night but at the end of the bridge he could see light, he didn't know what to do until, something hissed in his ear from behind... "you're nothing but you're father" "you're nothing if you don't have the prestigious last name" "you're not talented" "you think you're parents love you? No they don't they just raised you to handle company" "a disappointment" "a failure" it laughed, His breath hitched and he broke cold sweat, He ran with his all might towards the other end of bridge, towards the light but again those hands grabbed him not allowing him to go further, he struggled against the hands but no they didn't budge. He tried to scream but it did not come out as if someone muted him. The voice in the darkness laughed at his misery. A deeper voice then said                   "...remember to make right choices or else you'll be lost in the darkness forever,...tell the world your worth, fight for the light and remove the darkness from your and from a thousands of people's life...a lot people hope on you and if you disappoint them their deaths will be on your hands my child, be wise"

Levi gasped as he broke out of his sleep, his white t-shirt drenched in sweat. His hand trembling terribly as he reached for water on his side table, he turned on all the lights in his room. He drank some water slowly calming down from the dream that felt more like a warning. Levi's mind kept repeating the last words and somewhere he knew it has something to do with the things that man in Rusticville said. He knew he won't be able to sleep now, his mind was too active now to fall asleep, what if that man was telling the truth?, what if he actually has power to save a world?.

He got out of his room, he felt too suffocated to stay in there he walked to the living room and sat on the couch, Levi's electric blue eyes fell on something kept on the was a newspaper from a day prior, the day he met the strangers in the forest. A girl's picture was on the front was big bold words stating 'MISSING' he took the newspaper in his hand reading the information, it was the same girl he met with the man in the forest. 'Eloise Young, the oldest daughter of Young family, residing in Oakridge, went missing. If found please contact...'   "so she did run away" he sighed he didn't know what to do, so he went back to his bedroom. Levi stilled because there was something kept on his bed...a tiny red box made out of paper it was smaller than the size of his palm when he took it in his hand inspecting it. He looked around the room nothing seemed unusual or out of place in fact even the windows were locked, so where did the box come from? He thought. He contemplated on whether to or not to open the box but curiosity got the best of him. Levi opened the box it was filled with confetti and a 'find me in the forest—R' scribbled on a piece of parchment, the box. He knew who it was from as soon as he saw the confetti.  It was the Mad guy from the forest. Levi knew what he's going to do, he'll go and find that man and...don't know what he'll do but he will go and find him, maybe just maybe agree to what he was saying.


Hope you have a good day/night.
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