Chapter 7: Story Time

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"It all started around nearly 22 years ago when all the light creatures started to disappear one by one, first the faeries, then the mermaids, centaurs and then lastly the unicorns, that is when his reign started, he who was known to be the most dark powered being Lumierè has ever witnessed...his name is Kaiser. He killed the king of Lumierè, King Atticus from the Family of Harrington, one of the first magical and most powerful families in Lumierè. I'll let you know more about him, The King Atticus's family has ruled our world for over 10 decades now. Being one of the First magical families in Lumierè along with other 4 original Magically Powerful families gave them awful lot of power from the nature, Nature who we worship as our god, our deity. These powers are passed on from generation to generation. One has to kill the Royal in power and find the book of nature and life and prove himself worthy enough to be the Master of gain all the powers of the Royals. I think that's what Kaiser wants, though he doesn't know how to gain the power, actually no one does because the ancestors of Atticus made sure no one knows it except the one whose is to be throned, of course to keep the powers safe from evil." 
" So how do you know all this?" Indigo interrupted Roman.
"Me? Oh well I think I forgot to mention that I was King Atticus's most trusted man, you can say kind of like his personal advisor and friend. So it is quite obvious Atticus told me"
"And how you know that he wasn't lying to you" Levi asked raising his eyebrow. "Hmmph. I don't know that for that we will need to find the book 'Origin' which only opens to the 5 Original families is already killed so remains the other 4 families." "That's a bit complicated" Eloise commented. "This is not even half of it" Roman laughed. "So, back to the story, We don't know what Kaiser wants, but we think it's the Book of Life and Nature is what he wants, but somehow The Book Of Life and Nature and The Book Of Origin has gone missing since the death of the King. Now no one knows where it is. Our world has seen nothing but darkness for over 20 years, and to change that you guys are our only hope" Roman explained "But how does it has to do anything with us?, we don't even know each other for gods sake and never ever heard of the world you're talking about" Indigo questioned. "Yeah, thief is right all we know is you can be bluffing right now and this might have done some weird black magic to make her come with you, you demon" Levi narrowed his eyes. He further continued "And you girl you don't look mental, so how can you trust this man who is lying for all we know?" "I-I don't know, I-he did magic you saw didn't you?" Eloise asked. And then Roman just clapped suddenly Confetti started to fall on Levi and Indigo out of nowhere. "What the hell?" "Oh my fuck" both of them exclaimed. "Well allow me to explain how you three and other one who is yet to be found are involved. So basically there's a magic Crystal created by our creator, was gift from nature to the First King. So this magic crystal tells prophecy, this prophecy said 22 years ago that there will be a chosen one who would come and save Lumierè. But then the prophecy changed 2 years later and said instead of Chosen one there will be Chosen ones. 4 saviors will come and save Lumierè, and these 4 saviors are from the remaining four original Families, having unique powers each representing something important in nature. And you lot are the descendants of the 4 original families." Roman concluded. Everything went quite when Roman finished his speech.

"See, our world really needs you a lot, our people are dying due to it; there's no balance of light and dark in our world anymore now that even light creatures are slowly going  missing. Good and bad needs to be balanced to keep our world safe, but we have seen nothing but darkness for over 20 years and I beg you to please come with me and save us, I know it sounds so unbelievable but-but please save us" Roman pleaded his eyes slightly glossing.
"I-I don't what to believe and what to not, I'll-I'll have to think, I'm leaving I'm sorry" Indigo said standing and rushing out of the forest. "I personally don't believe you man, so you can go and find someone else to do the job but nice story" And just like Levi strode away. "Hey-hey wait listen" Roman tried but couldn't do anything. "I trust you Roman, and I'll try my best to-to do something, though I am a little overwhelmed of the thought of me saving a world but i'll help you and your people" Eloise said placing a hand on Roman's back. "Thank you so much, Clouds" His sad eyes smiled a little, Eloise returned the gesture. Now the only thing was on Roman's mind was how should he convince the others to join him, and what the citizens of Lumierè would feel of he returned with out their saviors and how they'll feel if their only hope is refusing to believe the things happening in Lumierè.

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