Chapter 28: Weird Levi.

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Levi woke up at some commotion happening outside the room. He groggily opened his tired eyes to unfamiliar surrounding, panic striking his body until he remembered that they were on a pirate ship traveling to Cordelia. He got up tripping over Aveil leg and opened the door to a lot shouts. He got out to go see what was happening, "What the—" groaned as someone bumped into him, and ran away. "Wow no need to say sorry" he rolled his eyes as he ran his hand through his messy hairs, which now reached his ears. He went up the stairs, breathing the salt air and then looked around to see all the crew looking over to the right side of the ship some running around carrying big boxes. "What the hell is happening?" he pondered. A built man was running past him Levi quickly grabbed his hand. "What's going on?" Levi inquired the man turned around facing him
"We're attacking a Corvette"
"A corvette?"
"A sloop of war type ship" Levi nodded his head straightening and releasing his hold on the man. The man ran away towards the hooting crowd. Levi started walking over to the right side of the ship to look over at the ship, Phantom was attacking, but the Phantom suddenly jerked forward taking Levi with the impact. A loud roar of laughter emitted from the crew Levi got up rubbing his forehead and went over only to witness the crew of Phantom firing cannons towards the a ship. It was smaller than Phantom, and you could clearly impact of the cannons that hit the ship, smoke emitting. The Phantom was slowly moving towards the now damaged ship. In a few minutes the two ships were in arm length distance, the crew screamed and jumped on the other ship, breaking into fight with the remaining people on the damaged ship. Levi saw toothless Pete draw his sword which was bigger than Pete's height and stab a guy ruthlessly. Levi grumbled at the awful sight when someone placed their arm on his shoulder "ya should go back to yer room" said the big hefty man before letting out a loud yell and going over to fight.

Levi turned around and left towards the room, he entered seeing the other have woken up. "What is happening outside" Aveil scoffed in a hoarse voice. "Let's go and see"
"Where were you Levi?"
"Trust me you do not want to go out there..they're looting this trading ship I think" Levi said sitting down. "Ugh the second day on this ship and I saw a sword passing through a body" he continued. "Okay didn't need to know that" Eloise said disgusted. "Hey so like let's get ready and form a plan" Indigo said clapping her hands. The other gave her a confused looked so she specified "We will need a plan to win that accessories, we will need books so we can get more information, a map of the island perhaps and lots of pages to get up be here in an hour" she said getting up. "I'll bring books" Levi said raising his hand. "I'll talk to the captain to see if he knows something" Aveil puts forth and Eloise suggested getting papers and pencils. The group dispersed to go and get ready.

A sigh escapes his lips as the warm water hits his skin, soaking his blonde hair. He sweeps his fingers through it slicking them back. The water wasn't very hot nor cold it was just the right temperature to warm his very cold, almost frozen hands and feet. As someone with cold hands and feet, Levi enjoys his time under warm water that gets him away from that cold that resides in his bones. After a good 10 minutes he comes out of the shower stall to get dressed, his outfit today consisted of black satin shirt contrasting his pale skin and hair and olive green pants, his usual silver dragon chain resting on his collarbones. He walked out to find Indigo standing and waiting at the door of the bathrooms.
"You're done?" She asked as soon as she spotted him. He nodded his head while his blue eyes moved up and down on her body observing her outfit. She wore a white turtleneck top layered under a black t-shirt and light blue jeans, Levi has to give her that she has a great sense of putting together an outfit.
"You look good" he said absentmindedly. She whipped her head towards him her pale, freckled cheeks dusting with light pink. "What?" She asked.
"Don't be flattered I'm just saying that you have a good sense of dressing" he said rolling his eyes, and strolling ahead towards their room. "Who said i was flattered?" She commented while following him. "Oh yeah" he turned around causing her to bump in his chest, he lowered a bit to be on her eye level before saying "your cheeks says other wise, darling" a playful smirk appeared on his lips. Her eyes widen at his sudden change of behavior. "I-it's because of cold" she cursed at herself internally for stuttering. "Sure" he laughed and walked away leaving her in daze. "Wha-hey!" She ran behind him. "So what were you doing?" He asked her referring to her standing outside the bathrooms. "Well I was waiting for you so we could pick up books together" she replied matching his pace. "Oh You wanted to go to the library with me?" He raised his eyebrow, a small smile appearing on his lips. Indigo rolled her eyes scoffing "Well Mister 'everyone is in love with me' if you noticed I don't have any work so i thought of tagging along with someone, and you happened to be the first one to get out of the bathrooms" she explained air quoting it. "Right, let's go then" he said scrunching his face.

They both strolled around for a bit searching for the library until they came across a room that was filled with books. No one was around, the pair walked in as Levi started to go through the titles of the book. "Indigo, write them a note saying we're borrowing a few books" Indigo looked around for a pencil and paper to write, neatly writing the message on the piece of paper, over these few weeks, Levi, Aveil and Eloise has helped Indigo to learn and write, it's only been weeks now but Indigo can impressively write down basic things such as names, sentences etc and has been a fast leaner, she placed a paper weight on the note and waited for Levi to finish, she also looked at some books slowly trying to pronounce hard words innocently.

Levi's fingers danced across the spines of the books, stopping at one called 'Everything You Need To Know About Cordelia' he pulled it out, he went through a more books picking out a few— 'Legends of the Cordelia Island' 'Magical World of Lumierè' 'Darkest aspects of the Magical World' a few more and lastly for Indigo he picked up 'A to Sea: a whole guide of magical water beings'
"Let's go, darling. We are done" he ordered striding out of the room, she timidly followed behind him. 'What's with him calling me nickname today?' She thought "What books did you get?" She asked curiously. "Just enough for us to know what we're against and what we are to face" he dictated.

The reached the room the other two were already there, standing next to each other while Eloise was busy explaining something to Aveil who seemed lost. "Hey we're back" Indigo announced. Levi kept the books on the small writing table near his bed and made his way towards the trio to let them know that they're going to start the planning tomorrow since today he will spend his time in reading the books. The trio nodded their head, deciding on just going around the ship to see how it works. Indigo started to leave the room when Levi interrupted her by asking "And where are you going, darling?"
"Wait do I not know something?" Eloise raised her brows at them. Indigo just rolled her eyes saying "Why do you keep calling me that?" "Since I don't call you thief anymore I need a nickname to address you" Levi smirked. "Oh yeah you see I have a name and that is Indigo, want me to spell that for you?" She teased back "And to answer your previous question Mr. O'Brein, a certain someone called Van has asked me to meet him at the mizzen I'll be leaving now" she skipped her way out leaving boys to turn sour at the name of Van "She's getting sassier" Eloise remarked "when was she not" Levi snorted "And you're being weird" she concluded before going to take a nap.

Kinda short chapter...but i swear it gets better from here. AND HEY CLICK THAT STAR BUTTON thank you ☺️

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