Chapter 31: Encountering a sea creature

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The group ran to the deck to witness a sudden change in the weather. Phantom was swaying in the sea very aggressively, knocking everyone down. "What is this sudden change in weather?" Aveil questioned his one hand holding on to the ropes of the sails and other supporting Indigo. "I did not sense this sudden feels a" Eloise yelled while stabilizing herself by holding Levi's hand, having powers of the element makes her sense the future weather, if the weather is to worsen she can always sense it according to Carter and it has happened to her before when a snowstorm happened in Enchantia. It confuses her as to why didn't she feel it this time. "Captain? There was no Squall in this particular area today, we shouldn't have encountered one in at least next three days" Alex said referring to the storm.
"Mike! Go crosswind! Avoid the big waves at any cost!" The Captain ordered to the helmsman or the pilot of the ship. "ESME! roll up every single sail except Gaff sails!"
"Aye Aye captain" Esme, the boatswain along with a few people worked on to get the sails of the ship rolled up. "What patch are we in?!" Ace Jack yelled over to Alex who was holding on the Mizzen mast for his dear life. "No where near the middle Meditide sir!" He replied. "I sense something bad coming" Indigo whispered to quietly to Aveil gaining his attention "what what do you sense?" He asked his hand gripping at her waist as they moved towards the upper deck. " something is coming an very ominous thing" she said closing her eyes trying to pinpoint something, anything that has to do with this.

The group of Originals and the Captain and the Sea artist gathered on the upper deck near the steering wheel, when it to rain heavily. "The weather is worsening Cap what do we do?" Van came running towards them, the ship suddenly jerked as if something it hit, surprising everyone. Eloise lost control over her legs falling forward hitting the floor with her knees. Van quickly grabbed her hands helping her up "Are you alright—" he was cut off by a forceful hit on the side of the ship as if a something was hitting the ship trying to knock it over. Van knelt along with Eloise her hand tightly gripping his "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" The Captain roared to get down on their knees so no one flies out of the ship. Aveil and Indigo got down their backs pressed against the sides walls, Levi inching closer to them as the three huddled together, holding on each other. Indigo's eyes were closed tightly and Levi held her hand. A sudden gasp left her lips as she opened her eyes catching attention of the two boys beside her. "What happened?"
"Are you okay, Indigo?" The boys asked but she just simply stared at the ocean infront of her before saying "A creature is here to kill us" as if on que a very gianatic sea serpent like creature raised from the sea emitting a loud growl. It was almost 5 times bigger than Phantom and it had seven heads, going in all directions. "Oh my fucking god!!" Levi screamed. Suddenly Indigo stood up walking to the other end of the ship her eyes glowing bright blue so did the creatures. 'Ahhh the new Protector of waters' the creature hissed at her. 'What is your purpose here?' She asked him 'To kill're not the one, not the protector of the Ocean...l know, not the protector..AN IMPOSTER' that giant creature let out a loud roar startling everyone but not Indigo, she stood infront of it her stance confident and her eyes determined to defeat this creature. 'I will not let you harm anyone, it's better if you back down on your own or you suffer consequences' she said but the creatures seven heads just hissed at her. Indigo didn't know how she was going to fight this enormous serpent but deep down she knew that she can fight this creature and save a ship full of people whose lives are dear to her. 'Have it your way then' she mocked before her eyes stopped glowing and she pushed her arms up causing the ocean water surrounding then to shoot up with her arms, she waved her arms around trying to push the monster underwater. "What is she doing?!" Levi yelled "Does she think she can defeat it on her own?! We have to help her. She's gone mental" he continued. "Van and Aveil go get the crew on lower gun-deck and ask the gunner, Roy waters to fire on the monster." The boys immediately shot into action but not before "Eloise come with me you'll be save down there" Van insisted. He grabbed her hand pulling her up before the three left the upper deck, leaving behind a very panicked Levi. "Captain! What do we do?!" He asked grabbing Ace's arm worriedly seeing that Indigo's magic had no effect on the monster whatsoever. "We fight now Augustus, we need to find this creature's weakness-" the giant creature raised his tail before smashing it back in the water that's all it took for the ship to sway crazily almost flipping in to the cold merciless water. "I'll go look into books for something!" Levi said dashing towards their quarter. He ran to their room shuffling through their shelf's and tables to find the book he had given to Indigo to read on sea creatures. "Augustus—" Alex came running into the room "There's a book in library about the sea creatures" he said in a hurry asking to go and get the book as fast as they can. "I have one in the room...where did she keep it..Ahh found it!" he exclaimed holding up the 'A to Sea: A whole guide of Magical water beings'
"This is what I was talking about" Alex mumbled moving forwards as Levi threw the book open going through every creature until the stopped at a page which had a illustration of a creature with seven head much like the one Indigo was fighting. The ship was moving very aggressively a lot of shouts can be heard from above. "We have to hurry..see here it is...a Hydra..I have never seen something like this before in my years of sea journey" Alex spoke mindlessly. Levi's eyes scanned over the text reading the information. "The Hydra of Lerna or Simply Hydra is a sea serpent which has his lair in Lake of Lerna in Argolid. Lerna is known to be the entrance to underworld, says this creature is already killed by Hercules as the second of this Twelve Labors." They couldn't just wrap their head around the situation, if this said creature was killed by the god of strength and heroes then how is it Indigo is fighting it. "See if we can find anything on how Hercules killed the Hydra" there was whole history of the creature the story on how Hercules defeated the Hydra. Alex pointed to a paragraph before starting to read. "Whenever he use to behead one of the heads of the creature it would regenerate two more on its place. Hercules wasn't able to defeat the creature on his own so to help him, his nephew Lolaus came. When Hercules beheaded the creatures Lolaus would cauterize the necks with burning torch. The only weakness of the Hydra was that it is vulnerable to fire. Scorching the open wounds of Hydra can stop the regeneration of the creature it is said that it is also weak in close-ranged combat" he ended. "That's it! We found the weakness!" Levi rejoiced. "Yes can be generate so much fire that it'll scorch the monster" the older asked worriedly. "Ohh well you don't have to worry when you have a Fire manipulator on board" Levi expressed with a smug smile on his face holding his which has bright orange fire on them. "Wow, we going to win this let's go Indigo needs help." The duo started to leave the room not before Levi made sure to grab Aveil bow and arrow and his sword that the gnome made him, along the way.

"FIRST GUN, FIRE!" Roy shouted order to fire, shaking the ship, the cannons ball colliding against the serpent's body puncturing a hole in it. A loud painful screeching sound was let out by the Hydra before he collapsed into the dark water. It was quiet for a while only the roaring storm before the crew broke into cheers for killing the serpent. "I-it is alive..the wound got healed" Eloise said pointing towards the Hydra which rose from the water looking as if it was never hit.
"Oh no I'm going up I can't leave Indigo alone to fight anymore" Eloise ran up to the deck with Aveil and Van right behind her. They bumped into Levi and Alex on their way up, "We found the weakness" Alex said simply running up the stairs. "We need to cauterise its open wounds I can do that I'll need you two to help create as many wounds as you can" Levi uttered to Eloise and Aveil who gave a firm nod. Levi shoved the bow and arrow in the brunette's hand. The scene on the deck was telling them that Indigo couldn't fend herself for long. She was on her knees palm against the ship floor gasping and weak from how much of her powers she used. "I won't let you win" she mumbled before attempting to stand up with her wobbling knees Levi quickly ran to her helping her stand up. He quietly muttered his plan in her ear while she gave a nod. The Hydra raised his tail aiming to smash it against the ship, but Indigo was quick enough to create a protective layer of tough ice on the ship with pointy shards of ice when its tail collided against it the shard digging into its tail, failing its attempt of harming the ship. Indigo stood up on the edges of the ship near the bow before her eyes started to glow blue once again. She raised her hands creating a swirl of water which turned into a dagger made out of ice. "You have made the mistake to go against the protector of the ocean and you will suffer consequences." Stream of water circling around her body forming rings around her and then the water started to glow bright blue along with her eyes. "YOU WILL NOW WITNESS THE WRATH OF THE GODDESS HERSELF I OCEANE BROOKEWELL WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE PUNISHED WITH DEATH" she jumped into the water with her dagger in her hand, her hands and feet developing a web like structure for her to move more freely in water. She went face to face with the monster slashing him creating wounds...but those recover instantly with no blood oozing out either. The serpent moves his tail around smacking her against a rock under water she composed herself and moves to create more wounds, the seven head going in every direction to bite her, their long sharp teeth ready to have her blood painted on them. One of the head is diving straight to her she slashes his neck of before breaking a teeth from the other head and stabbing it in the place where now there was no head to slow down the regeneration she moved around the large body of the snake resulting it's body to end in a knot. She moves upwards shooting up from the water landing on the wooden floor of the ship as she sees that Levi has made torches of fire for Aveil and Eloise to use. They gave her a nod saying that they're ready. "Okay then mates, let's show this snake the power of the Originals" Aveil said with a light smirk as the ship jerks again. The rain getting stronger soaking everyone wet, the Captain trying to steer the ship a bit away from the monster as per Eloise's order. "Eloise you don't have a weapon" Aveil acknowledged. "I don't need a weapon my powers are enough" She replied with a determined smirk before he could reply the Hydra was out of the water again this time with 9 heads, Eloise shot up in the air, floating in mid air between the raging storm and rain, waving her arms in circles creating a tornado around the creature.
"Let the game begin"

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