Chapter 26: leaving the town

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A soft sigh escaped his soft lips, electric blue eyes raised and looked into ember colored orbs. "What do you think Ember? What is it that lies in the Meditide that got everyone so scared?" Levi asked his dragon friend knowing that the creature doesn't understand the human language. Levi laid his head back on the dragon's arm looking at evening sky, he has been sitting here all day basically sorting his thoughts. "Should I be scared?" He spouted again, another sign escaped his lips "I think I should just rest up a little you know gotta go and fight monsters in the ocean I guess" that got him a slight huff from the dragon who nudged him ushering him to climb on its back. "What you want to drop me home?" the dragon nodded its head confirming Levi's thoughts "Well then." Levi climbed on its back as the giant dragon soared high towards the clouds. A few minutes later the dragon lowered near a open field near the Originals house. "Thank you Dear Ember, I'll see you soon..if I come back alive" Levi said sarcastically to Ember giving him a little pat on the nose and started walking towards the house, but then suddenly something rustled around him. Levi's senses alerted his hands formed fire. "Who's there?" He called out and then in the knee lengthen grass something touched his foot and he screamed "AHHH, oh my mother of nature!"
"Levi! Levi are you alright?!"
"Fuck what the hell Aveil?"
The said boy raised to his feet and in his palm was a Rock Gnome a small human like creature with long beared and leather clothes. "What are you doing here?" Levi questioned eyeing him up and down. "Oh? Me? was a little lonely so I came to give him some company" Aveil replied gesturing to the gnome. Later he continued "He is a rock gnome..they make things out of rock and Mr.Wilmis just made a weapon..see" he raised his other hand showing Levi a Arrow made of sharp rock and wood, it had a sharp point that can tear the skin with one swipe, ropes tied to it for a good grip. "This—this is a killer weapon" Levi smiled examining the weapon. "Can-can this thing make me a weapon too?" Levi asked again. The gnome growled at him "Talk to Mr.Wilmis with respect" Aveil raised his head above acting like a translator between the gnome and Levi. "Fine..Can you Sir Wilmis make me one too?" He asked again mockingly which the gnome failed to catch, the little creature nodded and hopped off of Aveil's hand and walked around to find a rock he could use. The gnome stopped near a big rock examining it and nodding to himself, he then sat on it and pulled out his tools, with a small hammer and a sharp object he started carving into the rock. The pair of boys also sat down watching the gnome do it's work. After what felt like hours of assisting the gnome and watching him break pieces of rock, it stood up and walked to a hole dugged up in ground. It came back with some gems in his hand and started working again "ugh I thought he was done" Levi rolled his eyes and started to pluck random weed from the ground while Aveil kept making drawing in the soil, the gnome finally presented Levi with a stone sword.
The Sword was nearly 2 feet tall, and weighed as heavy as a infant. The handle of it was adored by ruby like stones. The gnome handed it to Levi who took it on his palms admiring the work of art. Aveil was also stunned at the masterpiece in front of him. The gnome lightly brushed his hand on the sword and made a noise, it connected to Aveil whose eyes turned green talking to the gnome. "It's asking you to swing it around" Aveil told Levi who got up on his feet and held the handle of the sword. "God its heavy" he chuckled lightly. He held the sword straight sharpest point directing towards the sky. The sword suddenly glowed red in colour. "The sword is now connected to you it is now your ultimate weapon" Aveil's eyes glowed green symbolising that it was the gnome talking. The gnome then ran away laughing leaving the two boys confused. "Wow I'm hurt Mr. Wilmis gave you a sword and he gave me a dragger like what?" Aveil pouted. "It's okay maybe there something better that's waiting for you" Levi smiled at him. "Mate you sound like Indigo with the philosophical talks and all" he laughed. "Her company took a toll on me" Levi scrunched his face jokingly. "The sun's setting I think we should a big day tomorrow" the pair looked at the sun in the horizon as they made their way towards home.

As the next sun rolled by, the Originals and The trainers gathered near the shore, waiting for the ship to port. The Originals were ready and all set for the travel. The sun was merely just rising in the horizon, the shore was densely fogged and cold early December wind blowing their faces. Indigo stood there on the deck with hands in pockets of her leather jacket, her white shirt layered with a black sweater and that jacket, her legs were completely covered with loose blue jeans. "Don't understand how you're not dying of hypothermia, Eloise" she said examining the said girl who wore a white turtleneck and a rust-coloured skirt which reached a little below her knees and boots that covered her ankles. Eloise looked down at her outfit and just shrugged "I am freezing, yes ..but I packed away all the other clothes" suddenly she felt something warm touch her shoulders she looked over to see Aveil placing his long coat on her shoulders. "Hey, you don't have to Mr. Gentlemen" she smiled at him, in response he just lazily raised his shoulders and returned the smile "I'm covered" he gestured to his attire, green jumper a beanie cap and brown pants which was identical with Levi's pants who layered red jumper on white turtleneck. "I feel like I'll freeze to death" Indigo shivered. "Here" Levi called without looking at her offering some fire on his palm for her to warm her hands.
"Why Thank you Levi atleast you're not completely useless" she joked earning laugh from the other two which in response Levi just rolled his eyes. "Kids the ship is here" Celeste called out looking ahead at the misted ocean, a silhouette of a big sailor ship appeared. Carter furrowed his brows, what caught his attention was the flag that was proudly attached to the main mast of the ship.
"A pirate ship?" He asked
"Yes, a pirate ship...the kids will be safer with them" Celeste replied. "Huh? Safer with pirates, they'll kill them before they even have the chance to see Cordelia" Carter argued. "Don't worry Guardian, the captain owes me, he knows better than to exchange bad blood with me" Celeste urged back. "Are you sure Celeste...that we can trust this pirate" Zephyr questioned. "I have his word Zep, pirates never break their words" she replied. Soon enough the ship ported at the deck of Enchantia. People could be seen walking around on ships as the worked to lower the anchor. Then a few people climbed down from the giant ship, and moved towards the group. A tall and lean man leading the group he was wearing big boots that reached his knees, a long tattered brown coat, a dirty white shirt inside which had a few buttons broken, his ashy pants were stuffed in his boots, on his waist was a round thing dangling which was his compass, a big leather hat covering his face. "Ahh All hail to the queen of Aquaris" the man said giving a little bow to Celeste his voice as deep as a sea. Celeste nodded her head "Captain Ace Jack, welcome to the port of Enchantia"
"So where are the people we have to escort?" The man asked raising his head scanning the group. His sharp cat like grey eyes observing each and everyone. "The Originals" Celeste gestured to the four kids. "Ahh but majesty they are kids"
"Kids who can cut you into half" Carter snarled. The people with the pirate Captain growled at him while Eleodora held her husband back. "And who that might be?" The captain questioned. "The guardian of the town" Carter replied. Before the Pirate could say anything Celeste started "Send a few men to the town to get what supplies you'll be needing and leave right away we do not want to delay the task"
"Yes your highness" the sea men said thumping their chests. A few men ran towards the town to collect the supplies while the Captain guided the rest towards the ship. "How do we climb up?" Levi raised a question. "Don't worry" Eloise winked at him as sudden wind engulfed them and rose them above the ground planting them right onto the ship. "Take care of yourself alright?" Eleodora called at them the Originals waved at them as the rest of the crew got up with the supplies and pulled the anchor up, sailing in the fogged sea.

Hey y'all! I know this story is kinda slow burn but yeah I swear it gets interesting from here! Thank you for reading and vote!

Prophecy of Lumierè On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara