Chapter : 27

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Abhishek's pov:

When I reached Dr. Khurana's office, he was about to check another patient. I stopped him and asked, "Dr. Khurana, can I speak with you for two minutes?"

Dr. Khurana met my gaze and said, "jii boliye, Abhishek ("Yes, please tell, Abhishek.")

Expressing my concerns, I spoke with worry, "Doctor, ever since Shanvi regained consciousness, we've all been by her bedside in the ward, but she hasn't uttered a word. What's going on, Doctor? Is everything okay with Shanvi? Everyone has been trying to get her to speak, but she just stares blankly ahead. She hasn't even blinked her eyes. Could something be wrong with my Shanvi?"

Dr. Khurana reassured, "Abhishek, there's no need to worry. Shanvi's surgery was performed by India's top medical team, and you were a crucial part of it. Your experience speaks volumes. Everything is fine with Shanvi. I'll come to visit her later. Given what she's been through, it's natural for her to be in shock. It'll take some time, but don't worry."

I nodded, trying to ease my concerns. Dr. Khurana placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering a polite smile, and then proceeded to the other ward.

Seated on the bench, I rested my hand on my forehead, lost in thought. Another nurse approached, offering a list of nutritious meals. She advised, "Sir, give only these meals to your wife for the next three months. She needs perfect rest, and this diet will help improve her overall well-being."

I was astonished and questioned, "Wife?" The nurse assumed that the patient in the ICU was your wife right? I sadly shook my head and clarified that she is not my wife.

Apologizing, the nurse remarked, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. The way you're caring for her made me assume she's your wife. In today's times, finding someone who cares without any attachment is rare. The way you're looking after her, anyone could think she's your wife. You both make a lovely couple. I spoke without knowing, forgive me."

I responded with a melancholic smile, "No need to apologize. It's alright."

The nurse handed me the food list and left. However, my mind lingered on her words. For a moment, it felt good, but suddenly, memories of my interaction with Shanvi that day flashed back. What fault does she have? She has endured so much, and today, she's in even more pain.

Lost in my thoughts, someone suddenly waved a hand in front of me. Distracted, I snapped back to reality, and there was Jhanvi, sitting beside me. She said, "Where are you lost, bhai? I've been calling you for a while."

I stammered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Jhanvi then asked, "Yes, yes, that's what I'm asking. Where is your attention, bhaii?" I shifted my gaze and replied, "Nowhere, Jhanvi. Tell me, was there something you needed? Is Shanvi okay? Let me go check." As I was about to stand, Jhanvi grabbed my hand and reassured, "Bhaii, everything is fine. Shanvi is sleeping right now. She's not saying much, but don't worry; she'll talk when she feels better."

I settled back on the bench, sighing in relief. Jhanvi asked, "Brother, can I ask you something?" I looked at Jhanvi, pondering whether she, too, would ask questions like Dax, making it difficult for me to respond. Then she said, "Ohho, bhai aap phir se apne vicharo me kho gaye."

Bhai, I've heard about your conversations with Dax. I know we've only known each other for 4-5 days, but that doesn't mean you can't share if something is bothering you. Will you not share with us as well?

I consider you as my brother, and I understand that I should listen to whatever you say. However, in a playful manner, Jhanvi, with a touch of drama, said that if you don't consider me as a sister, it's fine. Since I don't have any real brother or sister , I thought that you consider me as real sister , like Nishu Di. As Jhanvi was about to continue, I chuckled softly and said, "Enough, my sister, stop the drama now."

Eternal Hearts: A Tale Of Love And DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now