Chapter : 28

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Author's pov:

The next morning at 7, all the family members arrived at Shanvi's hospital room. Everyone was inside the ward, inquiring about Shanvi's health, but she remained silent and didn't utter a word.

But when everyone was coming in, Arjun explained to them that Shanvi wasn't speaking, not engaging in conversation with anyone. He requested everyone to be cautious with their words, ensuring nothing is said that might worsen Shanvi's condition.

Therefore, they were keeping the conversation with Shanvi ongoing to prevent her from experiencing any distress.

At that moment, Abhishek's mother looked at all cousins and said, "beta, Abhishek is nowhere to be found. Has he gone out for some work?"

Then Jhanvi said, "I don't know, aunty. We were all together last night, and then we all went to sleep. But we don't know where Abhishek bhai went."

Dax said, "I searched the entire hospital this morning, but couldn't find him anywhere. Maybe he had some urgent work."

Hearing this, Shanvi began to think, "Forgive me, Abhishek. I know I behaved badly, so you might be upset. But I have no other solution."

At that moment, the ward door opened, and everyone's attention shifted to the door. No one else was there, but Abhishek and Dr. Khurana entered together.

Then Shanvi's gaze fell on Abhishek's hands, which were completely red. Seeing this, Shanvi felt angry with herself and thought, "What wrong has Abhishek done? Out of fear, you shouldn't have done this to him, Shanvi. He never got angry with me even once when I spilled the hot soup on him in anger, and he lied to save me when my brother asked about it."

"When Shanvi emerged from her thoughts, her gaze, which had initially avoided Abhishek's hands, eventually shifted towards him. Abhishek, deeply enamored, couldn't help but keep his attention focused on Shanvi. However, after a prolonged period, when Shanvi couldn't meet Abhishek's intense and affectionate gaze, she averted her eyes in another direction."

Dr. Khurana brought some papers and explained how to take all the medicines and provided a written guide on the prescribed dosage. He also mentioned the recommended healthy foods. There's no need to worry; Abhishek will take care of it since he is Shnavi's husband after all.

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes widened, and Abhishek started looking around, his attention now on Shanvi. However, Shanvi's face showed no particular expression. Then, Abhishek, changing the topic, said, "No, Doctor, you've misunderstood something about Shanvi, my..." Just as Abhishek was about to continue, Dax interjected, "haanji doctor aap ye batao ki hum log shaanu ko ghar kab leke ja sakte hai?"

["Yes, Doctor, please tell us when we can take Shaanu home."]

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, we are discharging Shanvi now. We have observed her closely for four days. While her condition has improved slightly since admission, there is a risk of a relapse if she experiences any stress or overthinks.

Her heart and brain were receiving insufficient blood, and her heartbeats were significantly low. We have performed a surgery, and a small device is now placed on her heart to regulate its beats, providing control in case they go too high or too low. This is a precautionary measure to ensure her well-being."

Doctor continued, "Make sure Shanvi follows a stress-free routine at home. Regular check-ups will be necessary, and adhere strictly to the prescribed medications. If you notice any unusual symptoms or changes, contact us immediately. It's crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle to support her recovery. We'll provide you with detailed instructions."

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