Sick at School - Everyone (Long-fic)

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Today Liam was carpooling everyone to school. He really didn't feel good today but he had math class today and missing math is brutal. The teacher assigns lots of homework and flies through lessons. If you skip you are expected to do the work anyways just without help. Extensions and retakes for tests are nonexistent. Liam didn't want to try and teach himself the math lessons so he decided to push through the day.

First Liam went to pick up Niall. Niall was actually out of the house on time for Liam to pick him up but he was significantly less cheery today. He had a hoodie on and a baseball cap over his hair which means he didn't do his hair.

Niall got in with a grunt and sniffled.

"You ok Ni?" Liam said and cleared his throat.

"I think I'm getting sick." Niall said.

"Aw, man. Me too." Liam said.

On the way to Louis's house, Niall and Liam complained to each other about their symptoms as they were almost exactly the same.

Niall said he was extremely congested and had a terrible headache. Liam said the same with a sore throat and no headache.

Louis took an extra minute to come outside and get in Liam's car.

"Hurry up, we still need to pick up Z and Haz." Liam said.

"I know. I'm just feeling a little off today." Louis said with a nasally hint in his voice.

"Seriously, so are we!" Niall tried to shout but his voice wouldn't allow it.

Now the car was silent besides the radio playing. Everyone's voice was nearly gone and they didn't feel like talking.

Zayn was the next stop. He was more pale than usual. When he climbed in the back Liam asked the same question they'd been asking all morning, "You feel okay?"

Zayn gave the same answer as the other boys had, "Not really, I've got a sore throat and massive headache. I'm also so tired."

Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve some tension from congestion.

Harry was the last stop and the boys knew he would be sick as he gets sick the easiest out of the whole group. Louis had saved a seat next to him in the back for Harry.

Harry was three minutes late to the car. Louis was about to go in and get his boyfriend before he made everyone late.

Harry looked ghostly pale and sick. Tired and he had a barking, crunchy cough like all the other boys.

"Not feeling well?" Louis croaked to Harry as he helped him get in the car.

Harry nodded wearily.

"Us too." Zayn said.

"Yeah, I think we've all got the same bug." Liam croaked

Louis felt Harry's forehead for a fever.

"You feel pretty warm babe. Are you sure you should go?" Louis asked Harry.

Harry then put his hand on Louis's forehead.

"Are you sure you should go?" Harry rasped sleepily.

He was trying to make a joke but with his voice so weak and crackly it didn't really work.

"What do you mean I checked this morning, 99.2 degrees." Louis sassed but then coughed harshly into his elbow, making the whole car cringe.

"Want some water Lou?" Harry asked, handing Louis his water bottle.

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