Chapter no.5 Heavenly Marks Family

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As Nie Li sat in the bandwagon, the rhythmic beating of horses' hooves against the dusty road almost lulled him into a state of nostalgia.

He was heading back to the heart of the Heavenly Marks Family's domain.

His father, Nie Ming, steered the horses with the kind of skill that only years of practice could afford.

Watching his father's steady hands, Nie Li's thoughts wandered to the soul realm ceremony he had once attended—a rite of passage he was deeply familiar with but couldn't help questioning.

This ceremony, held when one reached the age of 14, was supposed to mark the beginning of one's journey into adulthood. It was believed that at this age, one's body and soul were in the perfect state for cultivating soul force.

This was the age of self-discovery, where your future within the family could be elevated or doomed based on the nature of your soul realm.

The unfairness of it gnawed at Nie Li.

Your worth, decided by something completely out of your control, seemed like a cruel twist of fate.

The family was divided, with the main branch—the direct descendants of the patriarch—holding all the power and esteem, while branch families like his were regarded as lesser, their bloodlines diluted through generations of mingling with commoners. Nie Li loathed this system with every fiber of his being. It perpetuated a cycle of superiority and subservience purely based on blood purity.

Even though Nie Li really didn't like the way things were set up, he understood that this system was in place because it worked. Glory City was the last standing kingdom where humans lived.

Living in Glory City was tough, and it was even harder outside its walls because of the danger from demon beasts. Most people didn't even live to see their 30th birthday. Because of this, many got married young, focusing more on staying alive than on finding true love.

Nie Li felt lucky to have parents who truly loved each other, which was rare in a place where most marriages were more about gaining something than about love.

The reason the city valued the strong and talented more than the weak was simple: survival.

In a world constantly threatened by demon beasts, strength was everything.

A person without power could complain all they wanted, but their words wouldn't matter much.

After all, it wasn't the weak who could defend Glory City; it was the strong.

In his past life, Nie Li had always been one of the weak ones.

As he wondered how he could make this life different, the wagon finally stopped at the heart of the Heavenly Marks Family's home.

The main branch's home stood tall like a fortress, full of beauty and history. It had towers that reached towards the sky, wooden panels with beautiful carvings, and big stone walls decorated with designs that sparkled in the sunlight. A large wooden gate, carefully carved with the family's symbol, welcomed everyone inside. Inside, the courtyard was full of life and movement.

To most people, this place showed the power and history of the Heavenly Marks Family. But Nie Li saw it differently. As he looked around, he didn't just see the beauty. He noticed the small cracks in the walls, the moss growing on the roof tiles, and the wooden beams that looked old and tired.

It was like the fortress was a symbol for the family itself. From far away, it looked strong and powerful.

But up close, you could see the problems. The disagreements, the wear and tear, the fights that were hidden behind the luxury.

Nie Li let out a deep sigh.

Despite its greatness, this fortress and the family it represented were not invincible.

If he wanted to save Glory City, he would have to deal with these hidden issues first.

As Nie Li and his father got closer to the entrance, two guards dressed in fancy robes greeted them.

"Name and branch?" one guard asked with a formal tone.

"Nie Ming, from the Lesser Moon branch, and this is my son, Nie Li," Nie Ming responded, his voice steady.

The guard nodded, making a note. "Age of the young master?"

"He's fourteen," Nie Ming replied, with a hint of pride.

With a brief gesture, the guards allowed them to enter.

Inside, the soul hall opened up, filled with grass and the giant soul crystal at its heart, the main branch members sat comfortably while the branch family members, stood, all waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The divide between them felt as wide as the hall itself.

Nie Ming walked confidently towards the branch family's standing crowd, Nie Li felt a headache. He couldn't forget the day, five years ago, his own soul realm's red hue revealed to all, inviting shame.

Looking at the crystal, the tension was almost too much.

Will I go through that humiliation again?

But then, hope flickered within him. The mysterious system, the odd options, that single coin – maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to change everything.

For now, all he could do was wait, filled with hope for a different outcome.

Nie Li watched as the mood in the soul hall changed.

An old man got up from the front row. His long white hair fell down his back, shining like silk, and looked really pretty against his traditional grayish-blue robe. His beard, also white and long, moved softly as he walked. His thick eyebrows made his look even more serious, and his eyes seemed like they could see right through you.

Today, his stare felt stronger than usual.

This was Elder Nie Wei, the Grand Elder and the second most powerful person in the Heavenly Marks Family.

Elder Nie Wei stood tall, his deep voice filling the hall, "Today, we gather not just for a ritual, but to honor the very essence of our family's past, present, and future. Talent," he said, the word echoing with a weight that seemed to press down on everyone listening, "is what defines us. It's what distinguishes the remarkable from the mediocre, those who will lead from those who will only follow."

Elder Nie Wei went on, "Your value, your position within our family, hinges on the talent you hold. It's not just a title or a simple tag; it represents your future capabilities, your strength, and your status among us."

Around the room, heads nodded in agreement, a chorus of murmurs spreading like waves. Nie Li's frustration grew; his jaw clenched so hard it hurt.

Elder Nie Wei's speech continued, his voice taking on a firmer tone, "In Glory City, where survival against the demon beasts is our daily reality, talent is not just prized; it is essential. Those among us without significant talent are, frankly, a liability. They consume resources without the ability to contribute to our defense or to the enhancement of our collective power."

This rigid stance, this cold delineation between the talented and the talentless, mirrored the harsh attitudes of Glory City itself. In a place where life and death hung in the balance every day, the community had little patience for those who couldn't fight, couldn't protect, and couldn't add to the strength of the city.

"Our tradition," Elder Nie Wei pressed on, "is not merely a celebration of potential. It is a crucial filtering process, identifying those worthy of investment and those... less so. The talented will be elevated, given every opportunity to excel and to lead. The others," he paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, "will find their roles elsewhere, away from the critical tasks of defending and leading our community."

Elder Nie Wei concluded, "Let today's ceremony unveil the potential among our young. Let us witness who among them will rise to bring honor and strength to the Heavenly Marks Family and to Glory City. Let the soul realm ceremony begin."

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