Chapter no.11 The Orchid Garden Weapon Art

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Xiao Yun was feeling very upset, and who could blame her?

She had been waiting to hear about her son Nie Li's soul realm ceremony, eager to learn what color his soul realm was.

To her, it didn't matter whether Nie Li's realm was indigo or red; he was her son, and she loved him unconditionally.

She was ready to support him, no matter what.

However, nothing could have prepared her for the shocking news she received.

Her son had challenged the Patriarch of their family, and now he was set to fight against the most skilled young masters of the Heavenly Marks Family.

The stakes were unimaginably high: if Nie Li lost, he would lose his life.

Xiao Yun desperately wished this was all just a bad dream, something she could wake up from any second now.

She counted down in her head, hoping to snap out of it: 3, 2, 1... She pinched herself, hoping for relief.

The sharp sting of pain confirmed her fears. This was no nightmare.

This was the harsh reality she had to face.

As the sting from the pinch lingered, Xiao Yun's hope vanished, and tears began to well up in her eyes.

She couldn't hold them back, and they started streaming down her cheeks.

The thought of losing Nie Li, her son, was unbearable.

She tried to grasp at any thought that could offer comfort, but found none.

As Xiao Yun's knees gave way beneath her, she found herself caught in the sturdy arms of her husband.

Looking up at Nie Ming through tear-streaked eyes, she begged, "Please, Ming, tell me this is some kind of sick joke. Haha," attempting to laugh through her pain, though the sound came out forced and hollow.

Nie Ming's gaze held a depth of sorrow as he met her eyes, his silence speaking volumes. In desperation, Xiao Yun grabbed his collar, her voice breaking as she screamed, "Why didn't you stop him? He is a child! He... Doesn't... know."

She struggled to articulate her fear, her anger, her helplessness, as the reality of their situation sank in.

What could they possibly do?

In their declining aristocratic family, they possessed no power, no connections, nothing that could sway their fate.

They were barely getting by, with hardly enough to eat.

How could they save their foolish son?

"Yun," Nie Ming said, trying to offer a comforting smile amidst the storm of emotions.

"It'll be alright," he assured her, though his voice lacked conviction.

"H-How?!" Xiao Yun demanded, her voice a mixture of fear and desperation.

When Nie Ming remained silent, her frustration boiled over, and she slapped him, immediately regretting the action, her hands flying to cover her face.

"I-I am sorry."

Nie Ming simply placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Before coming here, I planned to go back and beg the Patriarch. It didn't matter what he wanted, as long as our son survived. But Nie Li... wouldn't budge," he confessed.

Xiao Yun's gaze flickered to her son, but Nie Ming held her attention as he continued, "I had a fight with Nie Li..."

His voice trailed off, the words difficult to admit.

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