Chapter no.47 Tower of Scribes

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Being a cultivator meant you had options beyond just becoming a Fighter or a Demon Spiritualist.

You could be an Alchemist, an Inscription Array Scribe, a Beast Tamer, or even a Soul Blacksmith.

Yet, the push for Fighters and Demon Spiritualists was always stronger.

After all, with Glory City standing as humanity's last bastion, the need for those who could take the fight to demon beasts was paramount.

"What's the use of an Alchemist in a battle against demon beasts?" people would say. "And what can Inscription Array Scribes really do?"

These questions overshadowed the fact that comparing Scribes to Fighters was like comparing apples to oranges.

Scribes were meant to create, not to fight directly.

But such nuances often went unnoticed.

As a result, organizations aimed at guiding cultivators toward alternative paths were scarce.

Take the Tower of Scribes, for instance. It was founded as an independent body dedicated to fostering talent in inscription arrays.

It promised ranks, exams, and the potential for influence, appearing as a beacon of opportunity for those interested in the art of inscriptions.

However, the reality was somewhat less inspiring.

The Tower of Scribes, despite its lofty ideals, mostly operated on the sidelines. The excitement and glory of battle drew most away from the path of inscription, leaving the Tower as something of an afterthought, a place that mainly produced spatial rings and mid-level artifacts for everyday use.

The real masters of inscription, those who could create advanced arrays, were often quickly scooped up by noble families or had already committed their loyalty to such families.

This left the Tower with a diminished role, its influence extending largely over commoners and those inscriptionists who hadn't made a name for themselves yet. It remained an important institution for some, yet it fell short of becoming the influential powerhouse it was intended to be.


Nie Li stood before the Tower of Scribes, a building that, at first glance, didn't seem to promise much. Its structure was aging, the once vibrant stones now dulled by time and neglect.

The tower, with its peeling paint and creaky doors, looked more like a forgotten warehouse than a beacon of scholarly pursuit.

Despite its unimpressive exterior, Nie Li saw potential where others saw mediocrity.

With a plan in mind, Nie Li held a letter he had crafted specifically for this occasion. The strategy was straightforward yet ambitious.

He intended to transform the Tower of Scribes from a mediocre operation into a powerhouse that worked under his direction.

The tower's primary audience was the common people, and it was capable of producing a vast quantity of works. Nie Li planned to introduce his innovative inscription arrays here, allowing them to be mass-produced.

The benefits from these creations, he was certain, would ensure the tower's leaders would be eager to follow his lead.

Nie Li couldn't help but smirk as he threw the letter over at the tower's complaint office's trash can.

With that, he slipped away to the restroom, where he pulled out a control switch.

Taking a deep breath, he infused the switch with his soul force, a key part of his plan.

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