Chapter no.50 The Director: Yang Xin

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Yang Xin's journey from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of success was nothing short of miraculous.

Born to a prostitute in Glory City's red light district and abandoned at a run-down orphanage, her beginnings were humble, to say the least.

Life at the orphanage was a constant struggle.

Lacking sufficient funds, the children, including Yang Xin, worked various odd jobs around the city to make ends meet.

Yang Xin's job at the Alchemist Association Building seemed like just another means to survive, but she turned it into a stepping stone for her future. While cleaning the floors, she seized every chance to learn from the apprentices, sneak glances at the books in the library, and eavesdrop on lessons. Her curiosity and intelligence shone when she boldly corrected a mistake made by the building's director during a lecture. The director, initially infuriated by her audacity, was left astonished by her knowledge. So much so that the president of the Alchemist Association recognized her potential and made her into his disciple.

Now, at 25, Yang Xin stands as the Director of the Alchemy Association, a role she achieved through sheer talent and determination.

Despite initial skepticism from her peers, who attributed her rapid rise to her beauty, Yang Xin's expertise quickly silenced any doubters.

On a typical day, Yang Xin would sift through the association's mailbox, organizing letters from alchemists detailing their medicinal refinement experiences into resources for others.

As Yang Xin sifted through the mountain of letters.

"Love Letter." 

Without a second glance, Yang Xin tossed it aside.

"Love Letter." 

Again, it met the same fate, thrown out unceremoniously.

Then, a different kind of request caught her eye. "Request for more funding for the erectile dysfunction pill." Yang Xin paused, a smirk appearing on her face as she took out a page to write a response. "Think of a better name. This pill is supposed to cure it, not sound like it causes erectile dysfunction. And no, Master Lee, you're not getting more funding."

Turning to the next letter in the pile, she found yet another love confession.

"Love letter."

With a roll of her eyes and a chuckle, she threw it out.

"I need a break," she sighed, craving a moment of respite.

Her sanctuary was the library—a quiet, peaceful corner of the world where she could escape the pressures of her position. The library was Yang Xin's haven, a place where the stress of her daily life melted away, allowing her to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate in the silence of the books that had become her most trusted companions.

Yang Xin usually found solace in the quiet back corner of the library, where untranslated tomes and scrolls collected dust, untouched by the bustling crowd that frequented the more accessible parts of the library.

It was her perfect escape, a place to unwind amidst ancient knowledge that few bothered to explore.

But today was different.

Today, someone else had ventured into her sanctuary.

Peeking around a corner, Yang Xin spotted a young man, about the age most begin their cultivation journey.

She couldn't place him, which was odd given her exceptional memory.

This boy was a stranger to her.

She watched, curious and slightly alarmed, as he effortlessly stored a book from the untranslated section into his spatial ring.

"Is he stealing?" she wondered silently.

Her suspicion grew as he stopped in front of a section containing incomplete books from the Saint Spirit Era, books considered worthless even if translated.

To her surprise, the boy scribbled down a pill formula after inspecting one of the tomes.

Yang Xin's interest was piqued now.

The boy then surrounded himself with about a hundred books, both untranslated and a few translated, and began crafting an inscription array the likes of which she had never seen.

The array illuminated, and the boy vanished from sight.

"Huh?" she exclaimed softly, though her senses assured her he was still there, just invisible.

Approaching with a warm tone, Yang Xin announced her presence.

"Look, I'm just here to talk."

When she touched the air where the boy stood, the air shimmered, revealing his eyes.

Startled by her sudden visibility, she took a step back.

"Oh, you scared me. Look, you aren't in any trouble, let's just talk," Shen Xiu said, and all she got was a blank expression, as if the boy wasn't even present.

He seemed lost in thought, staring into space as if asleep.

"Hello?" she tried, tapping his face lightly, but he remained unresponsive, as if locked in a trance.

Intrigued, she turned her attention to the pill formula he had scribbled down.

As her eyes scanned the page, they widened in disbelief.

Before her lay an authentic pill formula from the Saint Spirit Empire era, a discovery that should have been impossible.

"No way, how?!" she marveled silently, her gaze shifting back to the boy who seemed unaffected by her presence.

He was an enigma, a youth with abilities that defied the known limits of alchemy in Glory City, and who wielded inscription arrays with a mastery that seemed beyond human.

Using her keen senses, Yang Xin discerned that he was of 3-star Bronze rank, a sign of monstrous talent for someone his age.

"Who are you?"

Yang Xin carefully examined the association card the boy had used and immediately realized it was a counterfeit.

"So, this intriguing boy managed to enter the association with a fake card," she thought, her mind already planning to address this breach of security. Pulling out her diary, she made a mental note, "Need to find and reprimand whoever's distributed this fake card."

Her attention then shifted back to the boy, who was still lost in his trance.

Noticing his bracelets, Yang Xin observed, "These look like heirlooms."

The notion that he belonged to a noble family crossed her mind as she leaned closer to get a better look.

Upon spotting the family insignia on the bracelet, her suspicions were confirmed. "The Heavenly Marks family?" she whispered to herself, recognizing the emblem of a family that had seen better days.

"For someone so talented to be born into that struggling aristocratic family... what a waste."

But then, a realization struck her, shifting her perspective from disappointment to anticipation.

"No, this isn't a waste at all. It's an incredible opportunity for the Alchemist Association!" Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she looked down at the boy, now seeing him in a new light.

"Hurry and wake up. I want to talk to you, mystery boy. No... Mystery man."

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