Chapter no.29 Temporal Spirit Library

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As Nie Li's eyes adjusted from the blinding white flash, he found himself standing in what could only be described as the Library of Gods.

The vastness of the library was incomprehensible, stretching infinitely in every direction.

Shelves carved from what appeared to be starlight spiraled into the cosmos, each holding tomes that pulsed with celestial energy.

The air itself was alive with whispers of ancient knowledge, and the very fabric of reality seemed woven with arcane symbols and runes.

The architecture was an enigmatic blend of order and chaos, with staircases leading to impossible directions and books that floated serenely to their places without any physical guidance.

The light here was not from any source Nie Li could identify; it was as if knowledge itself illuminated the space, casting shadows that twisted into forms too complex for the human eye to follow.

As Nie Li tried to grasp the magnitude of what he was witnessing, his senses barely keeping pace with the onslaught of cosmic wonder, a presence made itself known behind him.

"What are you doing here, mortal?" The voice that spoke was neither entirely male nor female, but a perfect amalgam of both, resonating with an authority that seemed to echo through the very essence of existence.

In that moment, Nie Li's body froze, not out of fear alone but from an overwhelming instinct to surrender.

It was as if every cell in his body recognized the divine authority behind him, knowing well that this entity, this God, held power beyond comprehension.

Nie Li's mind accepted the futility of resistance, preparing for an end he deemed inevitable at the hands of this celestial being.

[ Path Selection Required ]
[ Option 1: I am here for a book ]
[ Option 2: I am here for a book ]

Nie Li was baffled.

For two reasons: time hadn't stopped, and the system's options remained unchanged. This had never happened before.

"Is it because I'm in the presence of a God?" he wondered silently.

Regardless, he chose option 1 again and responded with the system's aid, "I am here for a book."

As he spoke, the deity moved beside him, taking the form of a cosmic owl.

This owl was not like anything Nie Li had ever seen or imagined. Its feathers shimmered with the colors of the universe, each one a tiny galaxy swirling with stars. Its eyes were deep voids, yet they sparkled with the light of nebulae, wisdom ancient and vast shining within them.

"You are the first mortal I have ever seen enter the Temporal Spirit Library," the cosmic owl mused, its voice echoing the mysteries of the cosmos.

"I am curious how you managed it. Gods who visit must offer a piece of knowledge not yet contained within my infinite archives. But a mortal? This is unprecedented. Share your secret with me, and I will grant you any tome you desire from my collection—be it the Godtome, the Necronomicon, the Skin Bible, or the Eye of Existence and Oblivion. Anything is yours for the asking."

As the owl spoke, Nie Li tried to glean more information about this celestial being using the simulation system, hoping to understand more about the entity that governed this ethereal domain.

[ Name: Temporal Spirit Owl ]
[ Status: Conceptual Being ]
[ Cultivation Level: REDACTED ]
[ Physique Level: REDACTED ]
[ Class: God of Knowledge ]
[ Race: REDACTED ]
[ Health Points: Aleph-∞ ]
[ Soul Force: Aleph-∞ ]
[ Battle Power: Aleph-∞ ]
[ Class Features: REDACTED ]
[ Allies: REDACTED ]
[ Equipment: REDACTED ]
[ Description: REDACTED ]

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