Chapter no.61 In the Dark Part 2

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Shen Hong was seething with frustration. Despite a year of isolated training, his efforts to reach the legendary rank had been in vain.

No matter how many ancient tomes he consulted or how much soul force he absorbed, he was stuck at a plateau, unable to break through to the legendary rank.

Then, one day, he sensed a disturbance nearby—a presence approaching.

A mere silver rank.

His irritation flared.

"What is this insect doing here?" he wondered.

Without intending to kill but to intimidate, Shen Hong unleashed a wave of his aura and bellowed, "Who dares disturb me?!"

He expected many things, but not the response he received.


The voice made him pause.

"Shen Xiu?!" he thought, surprised.

Shen Hong had never held much affection for his younger sister, viewing her as another of his father's late-life mistakes.

Despite their sixty-year age gap, she was still his little sister, he had accepted her into the family, adhering to his own principle of taking care of family members, no matter how little he thought of them.

"Shen Xiu, even if you are my sister, I don't make exceptions. If you've come to disturb my training without a good reason, your life ends here," Shen Hong growled, his voice laced with a deadly threat.

"The Scarlet Sunburst Array has been plagiarized from the Snow Wind Family!" Shen Xiu shouted back, desperation clear in her voice.

Her words made Shen Hong pause, his aura momentarily retracting as he processed her claim.

"Is that so?" he mused, a spark of interest igniting as he lifted his fingers.


Shen Xiu, gathering her strength, rose from the ground as she felt her brother's aura dissipate.

Before her, the lake miraculously parted, creating a path for her to approach the house.

With a heart heavy with trepidation, she moved forward and, once outside the house, kowtowed deeply.

"Shen Xiu greets the Patriarch," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, her forehead pressed to the cool ground.

"Speak!" commanded Shen Hong, his voice thundering across the open space.

Swallowing her fear, Shen Xiu responded, "I have found, with concrete evidence, that the first Patriarch stole the Scarlet Sunburst Array from the Snow Wind Family's Book of Snow and Fire."

"How concrete is the evidence?" Shen Hong's question felt as heavy as a mountain pressing down on her.

"I have the book in my hand," Shen Xiu bravely stated, retrieving the book from her spatial ring and placing it in front of the door before resuming her position of deference. The wind seemed to obey Shen Hong's silent command, swirling around to lift the book up for his inspection. He scrutinized the inscription array, his silence more intimidating than any words could be.

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