Chapter no.33 Lu Piao

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The next day broke with Nie Li rising early, swiftly getting ready before making his way to the bustling breakfast hall.

The air was alive with the sound of conversations and the clinking of utensils, a lively backdrop to the start of his day.

His gaze swept across the room, searching for one face among the many.

Then, he saw him.

A boy of average height, with spiky dark hair and grey eyes, who was absently toying with his meal.

Nie Li walked over and took the seat opposite him.

"You know, food is meant to be eaten, not played with," he said, a light note in his voice.

The boy looked up, his expression one of mild annoyance mixed with curiosity.

"Eh, aren't you that guy who was staring at me yesterday? Just so you know, if you're gay, I'm not interested," he retorted with a careless shrug.

Nie Li couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry about yesterday. Everything just got a bit too much for me," he explained.

"That's rough, buddy," the boy replied, his tone slightly softer now, "Sucks to be you."

Sitting there, a thought crystalized in Nie Li's mind.

This boy before him, he'd consider him anew, distinct from the Lu Piao of his past life.

It was the only way to truly move ahead, to not let the shadows of what once was dictate the now.

This realization brought a sense of peace, a comfort amidst the storm of his emotions. Yes, this was the right path.

"Who are you?" the boy then asked, his interest piqued.

"I'm Nie Li," he answered with a smile. "And you?"

"Lu Piao," the boy said, nodding slightly.

"So, you're from the Lu Family then?"

"Yeah, my dad's the head of a branch family. And you're from the Heavenly Marks Family, right?" Lu Piao guessed.

"Right, I'm the heir," Nie Li confirmed.

"Really? I thought your family head was pretty old," Lu Piao said, surprised.

"He is," Nie Li admitted, a playful tone in his voice.

"How does he have a son your age?" Lu Piao asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I'm not his son," Nie Li clarified, enjoying the conversation.

"Then how are you the heir?"

Nie Li shrugged. "There are other ways to be an heir than by blood."

Lu Piao's eyes sparkled with mischief. "So, I can just quit being an heir?"

Nie Li couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Piao was the same as ever, trying to dodge his responsibilities.

It felt good to have something familiar in this new life.

"Seriously, how do you become an heir without being related?" Lu Piao leaned in, eager for the secret.

"It's a long story," Nie Li replied, smiling.

"Like what? Do you have to win some kind of competition?" Lu Piao pressed on.

"Kind of," Nie Li said, keeping the details vague.

"Let's just say it's about proving yourself."

Lu Piao groaned and slumped back in his chair.

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