Chapter no.27 Family Treasury

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If one were to ask about the cornerstone of an aristocratic family's strength, the answers might vary.

Some would say talent, others honor, and a few might point towards wealth. However, the true foundation of an aristocratic family's power lies within its Family Treasury.

Why is the treasury so vital?

It's not merely a vault for hoarding wealth and assets.

A Family Treasury contains the legacy left by ancestors, a tangible link to a glorious past where humanity wasn't just surviving but thriving and conquering.

In today's harsh world, where humanity teeters on the brink of survival, these legacies hold the key to a family's resurgence.

Most families place greater importance on their treasuries than on anything else, understanding that within those vaults lies the power that once enabled their ancestors to dominate.

This power comes in many forms: ancient techniques, journals filled with wisdom, miraculous pills, and weapons of untold strength.

Each item holds the potential to elevate a family's status or protect it in times of dire need.

Therefore, access to the treasury is often restricted to the most talented members of the family or opened in desperate times as a last resort.

The logic behind this is clear: the stronger the legacy, the more others will covet it. Protecting these treasures becomes a family's top priority because, as the saying goes, "In the strength of the past lies the salvation of the future."


Nie Li couldn't hide his disappointment as he surveyed the nearly empty treasury of the Heavenly Marks Family.

"This is pathetic," he thought to himself, feeling a mix of frustration and disbelief.

The Heavenly Marks Family, one of Glory City's oldest families, had a treasury that was practically barren.

It made no sense to him.

Patriarch Nie Hai, noticing Nie Li's dismay, coughed awkwardly to regain his attention and gestured weakly, trying to explain.

"The family is in a dire situation," he admitted, "I had to sell a few items."

"A few?" Nie Li thought incredulously, looking around the empty room.

"This looks like you sold almost everything." Disappointment turned to anger.

"Okay, I take back every nice thing I thought about you. Who sells their ancestors' legacies just for some quick money? Those legacies should be used to strengthen the family, not sold off."

Nie Li was appalled.

The thought of how many irreplaceable legacies were lost to shortsighted decisions made his head spin.

"No wonder the family's in such a dire state with leaders like these," he mused.

"A grand elder who's nothing more than a sycophant, believing the family can only succeed under his watch. And a patriarch who's good with words but whose actions have done more harm than good."

Feeling a headache coming on, Nie Li pinched the bridge of his nose and decided to voice his concerns.

"Patriarch, can I say something?" he asked, keeping his tone respectful despite his growing frustration.

"Of course, you're my heir," Nie Hai responded, offering a kind smile that did little to soothe Nie Li's irritation.

"Do you really think selling our legacies was a good idea?" Nie Li asked, genuinely curious about the Patriarch's reasoning.

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