Chapter no.13 Family

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Three days prior, while Nie Li's body was training on autopilot, his family faced their own challenges at home.

Nie Ming, Xiao Yun, Nie Kai, and Miao Ling sat together in the living room, enveloped in silence, occasionally disturbed by the sounds of Nie Li's rigorous training outside.

"It looks like he's training hard," Nie Li's aunt Miao Ling observed, breaking the quiet. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but just training isn't enough. He'll need weapons, armor," Nie Kai pointed out.

"Pills and herbs for recovery," Nie Ming added, his voice laced with concern.

"And new clothes for his victory ceremony," Xiao Yun chimed in, her optimism drawing looks from everyone.

It was clear she had unwavering confidence in her son's success.

"I'll sell the horses," Nie Ming declared, a hint of resolve in his voice.

"Is that wise? Those horses are our livelihood," Miao Ling questioned, worried about the implications.

"It doesn't matter, Sister. If selling those horses gives my son even a slight advantage, I'll do it," Nie Ming replied.

Nie Kai, thoughtful, asked, "What are you planning to buy with the money?"

"Herbs and pills for Nie Li's recovery. He needs it, considering the intensity of his training," Nie Ming said, just as another boom resonated from outside.

The room fell silent, the weight of their situation settling heavily upon them. Breaking the silence, Nie Kai offered, "I've saved up some money. I can use it to buy Nie Li some armor."

Miao Ling and Xiao Yun exchanged a knowing look before speaking up.

"Xiao Yun and I can sell our dowries to buy Nie Li a weapon," Miao Ling said, and everyone nodded, recognizing the depth of their sacrifice.

There was no competition or pride at play here.

Each family member understood the significance of what the others were giving up.

Nie Ming's decision to sell the horses meant he'd face double the workload without them. Nie Kai's savings represented years of hard work, set aside for emergencies. The dowries of Xiao Yun and Miao Ling were not just valuable possessions but also legacies from their own families, meant to be passed down through generations.

Yet, despite the weight of these sacrifices, no one hesitated.

There were no tears, no second-guessing. They were united in their purpose: to give Nie Li every possible advantage in the upcoming tournament.

In their eyes, what value did these possessions hold if not to support their family when it mattered most?

With Nie Li giving his all in training, his family was determined to do their part, sacrificing their treasures without a word of complaint. For them, the well-being and success of their family, especially Nie Li, outweighed any material possession.


Nie Kai, Nie Ming, Xiao Yun, and Miao Ling stepped into the local dangpu house, a place that gave loans to people who pawned their personal belongings as collateral.

As they approached the counter, Nie Ming took the lead.

"We're here to secure a loan against some personal items," he said, his voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of unease.

The man behind the counter, a shrewd look in his eyes, nodded.

"And what items are we talking about?" he inquired, leaning forward.

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