Chapter no.53 Gānbēi

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As Nie Li stepped out of the office alongside Yang Xin, he couldn't help but notice the barrage of stares directed at them.

The men looked at him with a mix of jealousy and confusion, while the women couldn't contain their giggles.

The atmosphere was awkward as they settled into the carriage, and Nie Li could feel Yang Xin's gaze on him, prompting him to nervously pull out his journal and start writing.

Yang Xin, unable to contain her curiosity, peeked at his journal. She was surprised to see Nie Li jotting down a pill recipe for the soul formation pill.

"I think you got three ingredients wrong," she commented, leaning closer.

Without even sparing her a glance, Nie Li responded, "This is my personal recipe."

"Oh," Yang Xin said, her interest piqued as she raised an eyebrow.

Shifting the topic, Nie Li asked, "Where are we going anyways?"

"You mentioned wanting a quiet place where no one can see you create. We're heading to my house," Yang Xin explained, watching as a hint of red crept onto Nie Li's cheeks. He quickly returned his focus to his writing, leaving Yang Xin to watch him with a soft smile.

There was something about his serious concentration that she found utterly charming.

As the carriage came to a halt in front of Yang Xin's house, Nie Li was greeted by a residence that radiated a simple elegance from the outside. However, as Yang Xin welcomed him inside, he quickly noticed the interior told a different story.

"Welcome to my home," Yang Xin said, her voice trailing off as she noticed the scattered clothes, papers, documents, and experimental pill ideas that littered the floor. With a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, she hastily gathered up the clutter—notes sprawled across the floor, dirty laundry in the corner, and scribbled experimental formulas for new pills—and tossed them aside. "I don't usually have many visitors... and I've been too busy to clean," she admitted, her gaze avoiding Nie Li's.

Nie Li offered her a comforting smile. "You should see my dorm room. Even with servants to help, it's always a mess. I think we can clean up a bit together," he suggested, making Yang Xin feel a bit more at ease.

Together, they spent the next few minutes tidying up the living room, making the space more presentable. Once they were done, they sat down, and Nie Li, sensing the moment was right, pushed a stack of notes towards Yang Xin. "This will convince you," he said confidently.

As Yang Xin began to read through Nie Li's notes, her initial embarrassment faded, replaced by growing astonishment. Nie Li had revisited every known pill recipe on the market, revising and refining them to be 75% more potent and, astonishingly, cheaper to produce. It was a groundbreaking achievement that left her speechless.

Looking up from the notes, still grappling with what she had just read, Yang Xin found herself staring at Nie Li in a mix of awe and disbelief.

"Are these really your own recipes? How did you manage this?" Yang Xin asked.

With a casual shrug, Nie Li responded, "I dove into ancient texts and blended their insights with my understanding of alchemy. It's really about grasping the true nature of each ingredient and how they interact."

"But without actual tests, how can you be certain these modifications will work?" Yang Xin couldn't hide her eagerness to delve deeper into Nie Li's methods.

Nie Li met her gaze confidently. "I've relied on theoretical calculations and simulations, drawing on the unique properties of the ingredients. While I haven't had the opportunity to test them practically, the underlying science is sound."

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