Chapter no.52 Yang Xin and Nie Li: Make Me Tame You

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As Nie Li sat across from Yang Xin, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Assistant Ping was watching them intently.

Yang Xin was explaining something to him, but Nie Li's mind was elsewhere, trying to decode what Yang Xin really wanted from him.

What opportunity had she seen in a guy like him?

He pondered his options:

Option A: It was possible she wanted more of his alchemy recipes. After witnessing his capabilities firsthand, she might be hoping to acquire more of his groundbreaking formulas. That made sense to him.


Option B: Or perhaps her curiosity was piqued by how he managed to obtain such a rare and unique recipe. It wasn't common knowledge, after all, and she might be baffled as to how someone so young could uncover such secrets.


Option C: And then there was the more outlandish idea – that she wanted to marry him because of his supposed "charm." Nie Li almost laughed out loud at that. "That sounds more like something Lu Piao would say, not a serious thought," he mused, dismissing the idea as absurd.


Yang Xin offered a warm smile, breaking the silence. "Do you want something to drink?" she asked, her voice friendly and inviting.

As Nie Li processed her question, he caught sight of Assistant Ping by the door.

Just before the door swung shut, Ping made a series of gestures—pointing first at Yang Xin, then at Nie Li, followed by a wink and a thumb going into a circle. Nie Li immediately got the impression that Ping had completely misunderstood the situation, thinking there was something sexual happening between him and Yang Xin.

Yeah, I wish.

Choosing to ignore the assistant's antics, Nie Li focused back on Yang Xin and her offer.

He squinted slightly, trying to decipher her intentions.

"Is she being unusually nice, or is this normal for her?" he wondered. Her demeanor was almost overly respectful, as if he were in charge, which struck Nie Li as odd.

Normally, such behavior was reserved for those with considerable strength or influence, and Yang Xin, being a gold rank demon spiritualist, was certainly no pushover.

Nie Li's thoughts raced.

"The Golden Sky Pill is from an untranslated tome, but to provoke such a reaction from someone as powerful as Yang Xin... it's as if she recognized..." His train of thought halted as he connected the dots.

Yang Xin had seen through his camouflage inscription array, an array that doesn't exist.

She recognized his cultivation rank, considering him a talent on par with, or greater than, Ye Mo.

She had pieced together that he possessed knowledge from an untranslated tome, revealing a truth that could change everything. With his ability to decipher these ancient works, he held the potential to unlock secrets lost to time, translating hundreds, perhaps thousands, of texts. This could advance Glory City's understanding of alchemy by leaps and bounds, catapulting their knowledge forward by thousands of years.

Suddenly, everything clicked for Nie Li. He understood that Yang Xin had two potential motives.

Firstly, she might be aiming to elevate her own standing within the Alchemist Association.

By leveraging his unique ability to translate ancient tomes, she could push the boundaries of alchemy forward by millennia, enhancing her prestige and influence.

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