Chapter no.16 Yama's Furnace Breathing Technique

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Nie Li blinked in confusion.
He didn't understand any of the text.

What the hell was a Yama's Furnace Breathing Technique?

What was a life coin?

Why did he have two?

Nie Li didn't care; he needed to fix this mess.

"Take the life coin. I don't care, just fix this."

[ Life Coin Confirmed ]

[ Initiating Simulation ]

[ Simulation Progress: ]

  - [ Preparing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

As Nie Li held the pill in his hand, a surge of relief washed over him, fueled by the system's silent guidance.

Under the watchful gaze of his father, who was clearly clinging to hope because of the great risk he had taken, Nie Li made a bold decision. Without further hesitation, he tossed the pill into his mouth and began to perform the Yama's Furnace Breathing Technique, a method he had no personal knowledge of.

Thankfully, the system took over; he didn't have to lift a finger. He just allowed the system to guide him; all he had to do was follow.

As he concentrated on the breathing technique, Nie Li felt as if his body had ignited into flames, but not in a harmful way.

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

It was as if a gentle fire was coursing through his veins, invigorating yet intense. He looked up, and to his astonishment, he saw soul force swirling around him, drawn to his body like metal to a magnet.

The sight was mesmerizing, almost ethereal.

This soul force didn't just hover around him; it began to penetrate his skin, seeping into his very being.

As it merged with his own soul force, it started to expel the impurities of the failed Flying Dragon Pill from his body.

The process was visibly apparent as tiny beads of what looked like darkened sweat emerged from his pores, each droplet containing remnants of the pill's harmful components.

It was as though his body was purging itself of poison, cleansing in the most literal sense.

The expelled impurities didn't diminish the power of the soul force that continued to envelop him.

Instead, what remained after the purification was purer, more potent soul force, free of any taint from the pill.

This refined energy flowed towards his dantian like rivers converging into a sea.

As it settled in his dantian, Nie Li could feel his soul force intensifying, strengthening.

  - [ Progress: 75% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Simulation Complete ]

[ Outcome: Successful application of the Yama's Furnace Breathing Technique following ingestion of the Failed Flying Dragon Pill. The potentially lethal effects have been neutralized. ]

As Nie Li felt the pure soul force settle into his dantian, a sudden noise, like the cracking of a delicate shell, echoed through him. It was his dantian expanding, accommodating the influx of power in a way he had never experienced before.

Nie Ming and the rest of the family instinctively took a step back as they witnessed an astonishing sight.

Nie Li's body erupted in a brilliant hue of red, the light enveloping him like a cloak woven from the very essence of power.

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