Pranks (1)

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Phone Prank

When my sister and I were kids, we would call random numbers on the phone. When a person answered, I would say (in a deep,
official-sounding voice)...... "If you could identify the following
sound, you will win a beautifully gift-wrapped box of Buckingham
China". I would then proceed to make a loud, raspy sound of
passing-gas, with my mouth. About half the people would immediately slam the phone down. A few would become angry and admonish us kids for playing with the phone. But amazingly, some of them would actually attempt to identify the sound! One guy replied, "It's a horse's ass!". We would then hang-up and dial another number. It was great fun during a rainy day when we couldn't play outside! That was before the days of Caller ID. It might be a little risky to try doing something like that today!


Robbery Joke

Here's an especially cruel joke that I executed when I was fourteen or so, and I really don't recommend that anyone repeat it. I was spending the night at a friends house and just as we settled to sleep we realized that the next day was April Fools. We had not planned anything, and now it was too late to make any props. Suddenly an idea came to us -- we'll rob the house!

We set the alarm for 5 am and put it under some blankets so it wouldn't be too loud. At five we got up and quietly moved a few dozen valuable objects to the back of the garage. We took all of the phones so that no one could call the police before we had reveal the surprise. Just to be safe we even disconnected the phone line from house. To add a touch of credibility we left a sliding glass door ajar. Having done our evil work we went back to sleep and waited for his hapless parents to discover the grim news.

A few hours later we awoke to total chaos. Everyone was frantically running about the house surveying the damage and checking for criminals behind every door. To our delight my friends younger brother was taking serious heat for leaving the slider open. Turns out the poor kid couldn't quite remember if he had locked it or not, and his parents seemed to recall him using it last.

Once the house was deemed secure and my friends dad was about to go next door to call the cops we let out out best "April Fools!" The mother was screaming mad, but somehow the father thought it was funny as hell. Thank God for that too, or they probably would have killed us both. Now that I am a father myself and worry about keeping my own kids safe from intruders I can hardly believe I would play such a cruel trick!

-Jeff L.

Water Gone Bad

For April fools I thought it would be hilarious if I painted on the rim of each cup and glass at my work, the nail biters polish. If it gets in your mouth, your stuck with a very bitter taste. So, everything that goes in the cup, naturally has a bad taste. The polish won't come off until you take finger nail polish remover to it. Everyone thought our water suppliers had a chemical leak in their building.

- H. Norquist

Push or Pull?

I remember not too long ago, about a year I'm approximating. It was April Fool's Day and my friend and I planned for this day for a very long time (2 HOURS!!). We went to a crowded supermarket that had an entrance with no employees in sight. So... we opened the door and where it said "Pull" we pulled the sticker and stuck it on the front of the door, and then we opened the door again and where it said "Push" we pulled that sticker as well and stuck it on the other side. This plan wasn't my idea, it was my friends and I had warned her that people do not read the signs. I WAS WRONG!! They do read it, surprisingly (I guess it's just me).

We also rented a tinted van and we sat at the back of the car (comfortably) with popcorn and soda. Our first victim was an old woman about the age of 60-70. She pulled the door, and it didn't let her enter (obviously), so she did it again, still nothing happened. After about her 6th attempt she started knocking, a young man came trying to open to the door, but he himself was confused, because he was pushing. So they were both stuck. My friend and I were laughing so hard the car started moving and we even distracted her for a sec. Then finally someone else came and solved their problem. It was the funniest day of my life.

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