Ch. 2 - The Proposal

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That moment when you accidentally slap some guys butt when your friend pushes you in the hall to meet him but it goes all wrong.

I know right, she's crazy but me and him are best friends now.

Sorry for not updating at all since summer it has just been a crazy year!

Ciao! <3


"This is your birthday ball, Rose. C'mon be happy." Marissa pleaded with her hands in a prayer form.

I sighed looking away. "I know I didn't want to celebrate it like this."

I began playing with a strand of my long blonde hair but she pulled my hands down.

"I know sweetie. But your father has worked hard on this ball--at least." She smiled hoping that I would listen to her.

I snorted, "Please ever since mom died he's been crazy. Setting a curfew for me at 7, you know I can't even travel out of my room without Chase or 2 guards--"

She growled putting her hands on her hips.

"Roselyn! You know that your--"

But I interrupted her, "I know. 'Don't talk about mom, don't ever repeat it, your grounded'".

I rolled my eyes and began playing with my hair again.

"That's not what I was going to say... Your father is a good man, with a whinny daughter." she smirked and I broke into a smile.

"Nether less, he loves you and he loved your mother dearly. When she passed apart of him went with her, you see how wolves are with their mates, they can't focus without their other half. I know it's been years but don't blame anyone for what happened. Okay?"

I used to remember when my mom talked about mates, and all the wonderful things about finding your true love. But after her death, Marissa took the role as my other mother and told me stories.

The least I could do was show Marissa respect since she has been by my side since my birth.I dropped my eyes and nodded in agreement.

Someone cleared their throat and Marissa pushed me to the door and fixed my dress again.

"Presenting...Princess Roselyn Jewel Martinez." The royal guard announced on the other side of the door.

I took a deep breath before the huge door opened and there were crowds of people all staring at me. Ugh how I hated attention.

Especially when it's just my birthday ball and I don't even get to choose what I want to do. Brushing those thoughts aside, I walked slowly forward careful not to ruin this dress.

The guards blew the horn and everyone got on one knee and bowed respectfully. I nodded signaling that they could stop and they all stood back up.

I saw Chase at the bottom of the stairs holding his hand out. I smiled and walked down the stairs. I took his hand and looped my arm in his.

"Let the ball begin!" He cheered.

And the the horns blew.

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