Ch. 41 - Transitioning

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"Alpha? Alpha Blade can you hear me?" A distant voice called out to me.

A bright light shined in my view and my eyes opened.

Doctor Tevin stood above me shining his flashlight trying to wake me up.

"He's responding to the light." He said as I followed the directions of his flashlight.

"Blade. Can you hear me?" He called out to me again.

"Yes." I groaned moving but I couldn't move.

I lifted my head and saw my wrists and ankles were restrained as I was laying on one of the beds.

"Why am I restrained?" I groaned again trying to pull my wrists out of the restraints.

"Get them off him." Doctor Tevin told the nurse and I was able to sit up groggily on the bed.

My stomach felt queasy, my throat was now burning and my headache was still here.

I touched my head. "What happened?"

"You passed out." Tevin responded pulling my IV from my arm and replacing it with a bandaid, "You were also shaking while you were unconscious."

I began to cough and my throat burned even more.

"Here." I looked up and saw James handing me a cup of water.

"Thanks." I said and chugged it.

The cold water ran down my throat but it didn't cure the intense burn I was feeling.

I gave the cup back to James and slowly peeled off the bed.

Once I made it to my feet I slumped forward, thankfully Tevin and James were able to catch me.

"Oh no Blade. I'm running more tests and you need to save your energy." Tevin said firmly guiding me back on the bed.

So now I couldn't even hold my own weight up let alone stand?

How was I going to see Rose? We were supposed to go running together like we do everyday I couldn't not go with her.

I wanted to spend every second she allowed me to with her.

"How long is it going to take?" I asked resting my hands on my knees.

Doctor Tevin grabbed his clipboard. "I'm just waiting for the results..."

He furrowed his brows together and pressed his hand to my head feeling around my face. He grabbed a thermometer from the drawer and stuck it in my mouth until it beeped.

"Your temps at 109." He wrote it on his clipboard. "I'm going to go check on the tests, in the meantime, take a shower. There's showers in the next room over with a chair inside, there will be a hospital gown in there too."

I nodded and Doctor Tevin left closing the door.

James walked to my side. "I'll help you to the shower."

He put his arm under me and I put my arm around his shoulder and we walked slow out of the room to the next one over.

My legs felt like jello and were tingling so James was basically doing all the work.

He opened the door and picked the closest shower stall and help me down to sit on the chair.

I groaned in pain lifting my legs to face the front of the shower, now my whole body was feeling like jello. Or more like noodles, because my arms were noodle arms now.

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