Ch. 19 - Alpha Winston

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Yayy anotha chap completed!

Enjoy my curious readers :)


"You promised you would never hurt me." I whispered touching my cheek where Logan slapped me.

Logan stood there red faced but soon paled as he remembered his promise. He broke his promise. I could feel the tears coming but I wouldn't let him see me cry, not again.

"Rose--" He began but I grabbed my book and pushed past him.

I ran out the door slamming it shut. I bolted out of the house through the backyard field. I stopped running until I could barely see the small pack house but wasn't in the forest.

A small boulder was next to me so I sat on it and studied my book.
A single teardrop fell onto the cover of my book. I wiped my eyes, I was not going to cry. Not ever again.

I just couldn't believe that he would slap me...actually nevermind I could believe it. He was cruel, abusive, and controlling. He was an alpha, after all, the most vicious alpha.


"Well, hello there." a voice said. I whipped my head up to see a man in all black standing a few feet in front of me.

I closed my book as he approached and got off the rock. He had a wild look in his eyes, he had a buzz cut with several tattoos over his body.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously. The man stopped when he noticed that every step he took I took a step back and toward the pack house.

"Of course, where are my manners?" The man said, "I'm Alpha Winston of the Red Moon pack."

The power radiating off him made sense, it was like Logan's only less powerful and intense.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing out here all alone?" Winston asked me.

Should I answer him? He was a stranger, and he was on Logan's new territory. Maybe Logan invited him, maybe they're allies. If Logan did have allies I would be shocked since he's so hot-headed.

"Oh--I'm just reading my book is all. I'm fine." I put on a smile hoping he would stop asking questions.

I look at the pack house, I could make out some of Logan's men coming out but none noticing this strange man on their new land.

I angled my body toward the path of the house thinking of a way to slowly get in the viewpoint of Logan's men. This Winston guy was giving off a weird vibe and I didn't like it.

Winston looked around the area, "Why are you all the way over here? Are you hiding from someone?"

He took a step forward and I took a step to the house. He kept his eyes locked on me as I made two more steps.

I shook my head, "I...I'm not hiding from anyone."

Winston gave me a sly look.

"I know the monster that you travel with. Let me protect you from him." Winston gave me a sly smile putting his hands behind his back.

My breath hitched. Could he be talking about Logan? Was Logan the monster that he was referring to? I found myself silently praying for Logan to somehow come to my rescue from this strange alpha.

I shook my head again, "Oh no that's not necessary."

Winston pursed his lips, "Hmm. You keep backing up, are you scared of me?"

I was about to take another step but I didn't. Logan was right, I was weak. All I ever do is hide behind him and let him fight.

I needed to be strong and learn how to take care of myself, I needed to learn how to defend myself.

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