Ch. 48 - King Charles

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The pack screamed in fear as the invaders crashed into the ceremony.

The invaders rode in on horses, tearing through the tables and chairs, and launching chains in the air. I watched as some of them through chains on the gazebo bringing it to pieces.

"Rose!" I heard Logan scream next to me just in time to tackle me right as a table crashed where we once stood.

He cradled my head in his arms as we rolled under another table.

I clung to him as more chaos only grew louder.

"Are you okay? Rose?" Logan immediately asked searching for any wounds on top of me.

"I'm alright." I answered slightly frightened.

Logan rolled out from under the table taking my hand pulling me closely to him.

We dodged more flying tables and chairs while Dark Eclipse pack was scrambling everywhere.

Women and children began running far from the attack while the men cleared paths for them and began grabbing their weapons.

"GUARD!" Logan shouted and Dark Eclipse started forming into a line.

The invaders stopped trampling everything to ruins coming to a halt in a line formation as well.

Logan let go of my hand placing me behind one of the men then walked to the front of his men facing the invaders.

I tried moving to follow him but the warrior in front of me pulled me back gently behind him.

"No Luna, stay hidden." He said.

I pursed my lip but otherwise listened. Iris? Where was she? Was she okay?

A horses foot clopping sound come to a stop and what came next I dreaded.

"DAUGHTER! SHOW YOURSELF!" My father shouted.

My breath hitched in my throat as my body froze in fear. My mind blanked out and all I could hear was ringing sounds.

This was not happening. This was not happening. This couldn't be happening.

There was no way my father was here. How could he be here? How? How could he have found me?

"I am Alpha Logan Harris of the Dark Eclipse pack. You are tresspassing on my land. Leave at once or there will be war." Logan challenged at the king.

The king laughed. "Alpha Logan, funny that fate has led me here. Where is my daughter?"

"I don't have your daughter." Logan responded.

"Alpha Logan I don't believe it is best to lie to your king." My father demanded.

"You may be the king but you're not my king. I answer to no one. Leave now!"

The trees rippled as the king growled. "You dare defy me? Boy, I can end your life with one command."

"What king is too much of a coward to fight another alpha."
Logan matched his growl with his own.

I felt it, I felt the tension between the two alphas so strong you could cut it with a knife.

"If it's war you want, it's war you shall receive!" My father ordered.

Without thinking and breaking out of my stunned trance I pushed my way through the warriors.

"STOP!" I yelled running in between my father's horse and Logan.

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