Ch. 5 - Please Don't Tell

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Heyyy guys!

Omg school has been so dramatic lately, like fights over tacos and Kendra necklaces. Like okay fine the Kendra necklace okay i get that but Tacos??

One the tacos at my school are horrific, they are green and orange and second who fights over tacos? Just go buy another taco xD

So my ex texted me the other day asking if i was talking to this guy like more than just friends.

I asked him 'why' and he was like 'u cant i want us to get back together and i miss u' and all that but i broke up with him so no dude. Boys.

I'll stop talking now on with the book! Oh sorry one more thing! I will try to update this book and 'The Alpha's Girl' on Mondays! Okay I'll let you read now xD


Walking down the aisle is scary, especially when everyone is just staring at you with mixed expressions. Crying with joy, crying with sadness, or just standing there like you were forced to attend.

Well that was me. Walking down the red carpet toward the priest and Chase who stood next to him. My father sat in his throne just staring me down trying to make me feel guilty.

He wouldn't even walk me down the aisle like every father was supposed to when they give your daughter to another man. He had some guard walk me down, so that just shows how much he cares about me.

As we reached the end, the guard gave my hand to Chase and left to sit down. Chase gave me a big smile but I just did a small one back.

The priest cleared his throat, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union on soon-to-be Beta Chase Paxter and Princess Roselyn Jewel Martinez."

I saw Marissa standing with her hands behind her back on the stairs. I silently cried, I thought about my talk with Iris and our plan.

If this plan worked I would never see her again. I would never even get a chance to say goodbye, she was like a parent I never had.

"Bring forth the rings please." I heard the priest said.

A little girl and boy walked up the stairs each carrying a square sized pillow. The boy held the pillow up to Chase while the girl held it up to me smiling.

I knew the little girl.She loved being outside and getting dirty in the mud like I used to but her fate was the same as mine. She would be betrothed to the little boy with the rings.

I said a silent thank you and watched her walk back to her spot.

"Beta Chase, do you take Princess Roselyn to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, care in sickness and in health and love forever?"

Chase nodded, "I do."

He slid the ring onto my left hand. I admit the diamond was gorgeous but I didn't want it. It just didn't feel right.

The priest turned to me, "And do you, Princess Roselyn take Beta Chase to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, care in sickness and in health and love forever?"

I felt Chase give me a tight squeeze but I couldn't say anything.
I stayed silent looking around, everyone's impatient eyes staring at me to say yes.

A loud cleared throat rang through the ceremony and I knew it was the King. I could hear his tapping with his foot on the floor.

My words fumbled, ", I mean--er."

By now Chase and the crowd were confused, but knowing that I lost. I had no choice but to say yes. As I opened my mouth to speak a loud bell rang.


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